University Applications

Members of the Sixth Form begin the process of applying for university in the spring of their L6 year.

The role of UCAS:

UCAS is the organisation that processes applications for full time courses at higher education providers in the UK. They aim to guide students through the whole process providing valuable information and supporting services for applicants and their parents.

People go to university in order to:

• Study a subject they are passionate about
• Achieve a qualification (usually a bachelor’s degree) that will lead to a chosen career
• Gain confidence, independence and important life skills that will widen prospects
• Make lifelong friends

It is well known that a degree provides:

• The opportunity to follow your career path
• Better job prospects
• Many employers target graduates
• Higher earning potential

It makes sense to thoroughly research the courses / institutions available. There is a very helpful UCAS search tool:

Applicants should be busy doing the following things:

• Research
• Extra Curricular
• Work experience
• Go beyond the syllabus
• Focus on doing well next year

Applicants should also consider:

• Finance – course fees, grants, travel and living costs
• Travel – to and from home
• Accommodation – university halls or private residences?
• Extra-curricular activities

Mr Parkinson, Head of Sixth Form, will be pleased to provide guidance on application dates, completing the application form (especially the personal statement) and tracking the application procedure.

Parents can support the application process in the following way:

• Use the Parents/Guardian section of the UCAS website/Parent Guide publication
• Offer to attend Open Days, you may have a different perspective
• Don’t book family holidays at key times
• Make sure they read everything carefully that is sent to them.
• Support your son/daughter’s management of their application


New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to  Thank you for your patience.