
2024/2025 Academic Year

Please note we are now required to charge VAT on tuition fees and other incomes to the school. The figures listed below are listed without VAT unless otherwise stated. 

*This is not applicable to children in Pre-Preparatory School*

Should you have any questions regarding VAT and school fees please contact the admissions team or the finance team on 0121 373 7400.


Our VAT Registration Number is 480 9371 68

Due to Consumer Credit Regulations, the School is not able to accept fee payments via monthly payments directly from fee-payers to the school (excluding Pre-School fees which are paid monthly in advance).

We are not able to process cash or cheques as a means of payment to School.  This applies to school fees and all other extras or incidental payments

We would also like to remind you that in line with our contract and policy on debt, we reserve the right to apply interest at a rate of 3% on any outstanding fees.  The charge will be made from the date the payment is due.

Please note that payment of a full academic year’s fees in advance, by any of the above methods, will attract a discount if payment is made before 31st August.  This is currently set at 2% but the School reserves the right to amend or remove this facility.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above please contact the Finance Office directly on 0121 373 7400

September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing admissions@highclareschool.co.uk