Scholarships and Bursaries


Highclare School seeks to support pupils to attend the Senior School.  The Governors are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of Bursaries to families on low incomes who can provide evidence of a limited ability to pay full fees.

Bursaries are allocated on a scale according to household income and will, with the exception of the Highclare School Governors’ Prize for one year 7 entrant, be offered to cover a maximum of 30% of fees.

 For further information on all of the above please contact the Admissions Office on Telephone: 0121 373 7400 or by email:

NEW Sixth Form Pre-Med Scholarship Programme

From September 2024 the programme will help eligible students to prepare their university applications for Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science and research science courses, providing support for UCAS applications and university entrance tests and interviews.  A range of direct preparatory mentoring and tuition is offered alongside a wide range of enrichment activities in the wider science field including visits and guest speakers.


Highclare School Governors’ Prize (HSGP)

The Highclare School Governors’ Prize, is an annually-awarded means-tested bursary to cover up to 100% of school fees for one boy or girl upon entering the Senior School at the beginning of U3 (Year 7).

The HSGP, once awarded to an individual, will cover the fees for the duration of a pupil’s education in the Senior School and will be available for any boy or girl currently at any local primary school.

Means tested to widen accessibility as much as possible, it will be awarded to a boy or girl with outstanding academic potential.


Scholarships are generally awarded to pupils when they enter the Senior School at U3 (Year 7).   There are also opportunities given to pupils entering at 16+ for Sixth Form.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the Year 7 Entry Assessment, held in November each year, for all pupils applying for Year 7.  Entry is based on three assessments in Non-verbal reasoning, Mathematics and English. Information for Year 7 Assessment and Scholarships is available by contacting the admissions office at:   or  tel:  0121 373 7400

Academic scholarships are awarded to pupils who perform particularly well in our Year 7 Entrance Assessment held in November each year, and who demonstrate a considerable degree of all round commitment to the School.   The formal assessment is followed by a short interview with Head. Pupils applying for places in Year 7 after the main assessment in November will not be considered for scholarships.

Additional Scholarships will also be awarded to those pupils showing a particular talent in either music, sport or art.  Those applying for consideration in one of the specialist areas will also be expected to attend a short audition test.

All Scholarships offered will be part fees and will be awarded at the discretion of the Head. The Scholarship will be awarded for the duration of a pupil’s education up to the end of GCSE and will be reviewed annually. Those awarded a specialist scholarship will be expected to play a full part in the life of that department within the School.

Specialist Scholarships Criteria

 1. Music

  • A competence to Examination Grade 3 is desirable, although all examination results will be considered.
  • An audition on at least one instrument will be required and will take place in school after the academic assessment.
  • At the audition, candidates must bring with them one suitable performance piece and will be expected to do sight reading and aural tests.
  • Any orchestral instrument, keyboard or voice may be offered.

 2. Sport

  • Candidates will be asked to take part in a short practical session in the Gymnasium under the guidance of the Head of P.E.  Assessment will be made relating to agility, hand to eye co-ordination and general fitness. Consideration will also be given to specialist skills.

Sixth Form Scholarships

Under the scholarship guidelines for Highclare’s Sixth Form entry, any potential Highclare Sixth Former registering for admission can earn the right to be called an academic scholar, with up to 50% off the Sixth Form annual fees. Academic scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of results achieved at GCSE.

Specialist scholarships are offered in music to those with creative talents that can be nurtured within the Highclare community.  The School also offers internal ‘attitude to learning’ scholarships which are awarded to recognise and affirm academic endeavour. Attitude to learning scholarships are available only to applicants who studied GCSE at Highclare School.

Candidates may apply in one of the following areas:

All applicants:

  1. Academic Scholarships: Any potential sixth former can earn the right to be called a scholar and academic scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of results achieved at GCSE.
  2. Specialist scholarships:

Music Scholars should:

  • be able to demonstrate excellence in playing any orchestral instrument, keyboard or voice.
  • be working at Examination Grade 7 or above, although all examination results will be considered.
  • be prepared to audition on at least one instrument, with a performance piece which demonstrates their instrumental skill level, and will be expected to do sight reading and aural tests. Any orchestral instrument, keyboard or voice may be offered.
  • be prepared to be committed and passionate about developing their musical skill with the school music ensembles.

Highclare School only applicants:

  • Attitude to learning scholarships: these scholarships are awarded on the basis of a student’s record during the GCSE courses (L5 and U5 years).