Mrs Bennetts Bulletin Tuesday 4 May 2024

Posted: 4th June 2024

Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope you are all well and relaxed after the half term break. I hope you all had fun whatever adventures you went on. I had a fabulous week. My friends from school and I saw Take That in concert at the City Ground and I have no shame when I admit that I was screaming, a little like a banshee, throughout most of the night, especially when they sang A Million Love Songs! I have always loved Take That – so much so that my bedroom walls were literally covered from floor to ceiling in all of the posters I used to get out of Smash Hits magazine and other such publications! There was no wall left in sight at all. I am a little embarrassed to admit that when I took down the posters (in protest after Robbie left, completely ruining my post GCSE summer) I stored them in individual files for the different band members – named and beautifully decoupaged with pictures of their faces and song lyrics. Robbie and Mark’s folders were much thicker than Gary, Jason or Howard’s – I was so obsessed with them I even named my favourite childhood teddy ‘Robark’ after Robbie and Mark! I am slightly more embarrassed to say that Robark still has pride of place in my childhood bedroom. However, the absolute pinnacle of my embarrassment is that when I was recently cleaning out said childhood bedroom, I found the five, beautifully named and decorated files still full of posters. I decided to go down memory lane so I got all of the posters out and reminisced whilst listening to the Take That and Party album. That’s not too bad, I hear some of you say. . .I agree. However, I am sure that when you read my next sentence that you will all be shaking your heads/tutting or laughing when I say that I packed the posters away neatly again and put them back in my cupboard – I couldn’t bear to throw them away. . .maybe when I turn 30 I will be able to get rid?


So, we only have 24 and a half more days left of this academic year – so much to do and so much fun to be had. I look forward to spending each and every jam-packed day (and some evenings/nights) with our lovely school family. #blessed


Quote of the week: “Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.” – George Bernard Shaw


Well-being tasks for this week: These tasks are based on Joyful June. Actions to help us look for the good all around us.


Tuesday 4 June – Take a photo of something that brings you joy and share it


Wednesday 5 June – Think of three things that you are grateful for and write them down


Thursday 6 June – Get out into green space and feel the joy that nature brings


Friday 7 June – Do something healthy which makes you feel good


Saturday 8 June – Find joy in music: sing, play, dance, listen and share


Sunday 9 June – Ask a friend what made them happy recently


Monday 10 June – Bring joy to others by doing something kind for them


Joke of the week: Just one joke this week, for the adults – I heard it in the holidays and haven’t stopped giggling at it all week. Apologies to those of you that I have already shared it with!


Why doesn’t Elton John eat lettuce?


Because he is a rocket man!


Conversation starters:

When was the last time you felt lonely and what made you feel better?


If you could meet any famous person, who would it be and why?


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to Arthur’s (my nephew’s) birthday celebrations – I cannot believe he is nine today.
  2. I am looking forward to cleaning the builder’s dust from my house . . . eventually!
  3. I am looking forward to the ‘Young Musician of the Year 2024’ final on Thursday evening.
  4. I am grateful for being able to make happy memories with friends and family.
  5. I am grateful for Patsy and the fun/calmness/love that she brings into school.

Sleeps til Santa: 204 sleeps. . .


Wishing you a wonderful week and hopefully sunny weekend! Have plenty of fun but relax and recharge as well as the next few weeks are busy, busy, busy!


With lots of love,


Mrs Bennett

September 2025 GCSE Spaces

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