Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 21 November 2023

Posted: 21st November 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope you are all well and enjoyed a fun-packed weekend. I had a very quiet few days, filled with an annoying head cold and a sore throat! I wasn’t very impressed though as I had just got rid of one cold and now I am onto the next. . .I know it is the season for sharing but there are limits! I did very little. I mostly watched a few films, did some online shopping and slept. I didn’t even have the energy to bake and I always bake – it is one of my favourite past times. What I did do though was get completely emotional on Friday night whilst watching Children in Need. I blamed my eyes watering on the cold but really (shhhhhh don’t tell anyone), I was a snotty, sobbing mess from start to finish. Children in Need is such an important fundraiser for so many children who are desperately need help and I always give a donation to do my very small part but the event has a much further reaching effect on many. On Friday night, I was filled with a whole host of emotions. . .I was so unbelievably proud of people I have not met. I was overjoyed with the money being raised. I was deeply saddened by the poverty and desperation of children living in our communities. I was angered that in our locality we have children suffering, many who are unknown to us all. I felt privileged to be listening to young people’s stories and I felt hope. Hope that in the dark times there is light, somewhere, that will shine through.


What struck me most was the sheer amount of kindness that was being displayed. From Vernon Kay raising over 5 million pounds (about 15% of the whole Children in Need total – staggering) by completing his Ultra, Ultra Marathon Challenge, to Joel, a 12 year old boy who cycles 600km from his home to the Netherlands raising an amazing £4,000, to Jessica, an 8 year old girl who gave up time with her friends in the evenings and at weekends to be a part time care giver to her terminally ill mum. Jessica’s story particularly touched me as I helped to look after my mum when she was terminally ill. I found it extremely hard and each and every day was a struggle. The days were filled with anguish, worry and guilt that you are healthy. All you want, your biggest wish in the whole entire world is make your loved one better and it’s the only thing in the world that you cannot do. I experienced this when I was in my late twenties – I cannot begin to process how an 8 year old copes in these situations. It is genuinely heart breaking just inspiring all in one.


I was feeling very sad and hopeless and then randomly a friend, who was in London last week, sent me a picture of the service information board that was in the railway station. It was just what I needed to read.


“The greatest superpower is kindness. A small act of kindness can seem like seemingly nothing. But it can make a difference to someone’s life or their day. A small act of kindness can mean the world to somebody who needs to feel kindness and to be loved. A smile and a small act of kindness can go a long way. Tell people that you love them. Tell them loudly, tell them proudly and tell them often. Today we should be kind to others and ourselves. And tomorrow we should be kind too. A small act of kindness is priceless. And it costs nothing to be kind. It makes a difference, it makes the world a better place and that one small act lives long in someone’s mind. Treat people with kindness and the kindness that you give will come back to you” All On The Board


Quote of the week: “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.” – Dr Seuss


Well-being tasks for this week: These are all based on New Ways November–Actions to help you focus on what really matters.


Tuesday 21 November – Learn a new skill with a friend and teach them one of yours


Wednesday 22 November – Find a new way to tell someone you appreciate them


Thursday 23 November – Set aside a regular time to pursue and activity that you love


Friday 24 November – Share something helpful with a friend


Saturday 25 November – Use one of your strengths in a new and creative way


Sunday 26 November – Try out a different radio station or TV show


Monday 27 November – Join a friend doing their hobby and find out why they love it


Jokes of the week: 

If you think you can do any better, please send your jokes to me and I can include them in The Bulletin! We are close enough to December now to start on the Christmas jokes!


How do you expect a sheep to say Merry Christmas?

Flee-ee-ce Navidad!


What did Santa Claus’s little helper pals learn at school?

The Elf-abet


What do you think the elves do after their school gets over?

The gnome-work


Why do you think everyone loves Frosty the Snowman?

Come on! Because he is COOL!


What is Santa’s favourite place to give presents?



Conversation starters:

What has been the best dream you have ever had?


If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?


A Christmas treat:

To get us in the Christmas mood and to expand our Christmas general knowledge, the Language Ambassadors at HPP have thought of some questions about Christmas traditions around the world. There will be one question a week for the next five weeks. Please email Ms Kenny with the correct answers to all five questions by the end of term – Wednesday 20 December ( Ms Kenny will then announce the winners when we return to school in January. Good luck!


What date does Saint Nicholas visit children in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands? Where does he leave their presents?


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to the Christmas decorations going up in school
  2. I am looking forward to a trip to the theatre
  3. I am looking forward to this weekend’s Festive Mingle in my village
  4. I am grateful for a sat nav that works – accurately
  5. I am grateful for a great network of professional colleagues – someone out there always has the answer!

Sleeps til Santa: 33 sleeps. . .


Have a super week and always remember that no act of kindness goes unnoticed,


With much love,


Mrs Bennett


September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing