Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 14 November 2023

Posted: 14th November 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope you are well and all have a lovely weekend? I cannot believe how quickly the time goes – one moment you leave work on a Friday and in the next breath you are back at your desk on Monday morning! I had a super weekend though – lots of family time with Amelie and Arthur, saw friends and celebrated their birthday, saw my in-laws and went on several long walks. My dad was also not very well with a very heavy cold, so I ensured that he was fed, watered and medicated at all times. I went to the local Remembrance service and even managed a stroll around Stamford with a very old friend. It was so good to catch up – we worked out that we hadn’t seen each other for about a year but it was like we saw each other only yesterday – lots of reminiscing and listening to each other’s news. We worked out that we first worked together 20 years ago. . .where has that time gone?


So this week in the Prep School and nationally, is Anti-Bullying Week. It is a national initiative run annually by the Anti-Bullying Alliance to raise the awareness of bullying across different communities across our country. Each year, there is a theme to the week, and this year’s theme is ‘Make a Noise About Bullying’. It is so important that during Anti-Bullying Week we are talking to the children not just about recognising if there is a problem, but also about educating and empowering them to take a stand if they ever encounter bullying. We strong encourage our children to active bystanders and by that I mean promoting the positive choice to act when they witness a behaviour that does not feel right or that they do not agree with and challenging it in an attempt to prevent it from happening again. We, of course, support the children when doing this as there is nothing more powerful that your peers telling you that something is right, kind or fair.


At Highclare Prep, we firmly believe that by constantly familiarising the children (and ourselves) with the signs of bullying and harassment, they become an active part of creating a safer school and wider community for everyone. The Prep School is deeply committed to creating a culture that is fully inclusive and respectful, where our children and staff can thrive and feel safe. Fundamentally, this starts by creating an environment that is free from bullying. This year’s Anti-Bullying Week theme reminds us that each and every one of us plays a crucial role in building a respectful and inclusive school community. Whether you’re a pupil, member of staff or a parent, your actions can make a huge difference to someone who is being bullied.


Bullying often starts if someone is different to the perceived ‘normal’. This is not ok. Personally I really like Anti-Bullying Week as the vast majority of us, I would imagine, have either been bullied, or have been a bully themselves in the past. We can all relate to feeling scared, inadequate or wanting to control others. Not only does this week elevate awareness about the negative impacts of bullying on people and their families but it encourages people of all ages to stand up against discrimination and promote the importance of individuality and celebrate uniqueness.


It is a week dedicated to celebrating the values of inclusivity, respect and kindness but more importantly for me, it is exactly what Highclare does each and every day of the year with every single child in our care.


Quote of the week: “Be the shield in someone’s life. Step up, step forward. Stop bullying” – Anti-Bullying Alliance


Well-being tasks for this week: These are all based on New Ways November–Actions to help you focus on what really matters.


Tuesday 14 November – Find a new way to help or support something you care about


Wednesday 15 November – Build on new ideas by think “Yes and what if. . .”


Thursday 16 November – Look at life through someone else’s eyes and see their perspective


Friday 17 November – Practice self-care


Saturday 18 November – Connect with someone from a different generation


Sunday 19 November – Broaden your perspective


Monday 20 November – Cook or bake something using a recipe that you haven’t tried before


Jokes of the week: 

If you think you can do any better, please send your jokes to me and I can include them in The Bulletin!


Why can’t you send a duck to space?
Because the bill would be astronomical!


What happened when the world’s tongue-twister champion got arrested?
They gave him a tough sentence!


What did the mama cow say to the calf?
It’s pasture bedtime!


How does a vampire start a letter?
Tomb it may concern!


What did one plate say to the other?
Dinner is on me!


Conversation starters:

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

If you found a genie in a bottle, what would be your three wishes?


A Christmas treat:

To get us in the Christmas mood and to expand our Christmas general knowledge, the Language Ambassadors at HPP have thought of some questions about Christmas traditions around the world. There will be one question a week for the next five weeks. Please email Ms Kenny with the correct answers to all five questions by the end of term – Wednesday 20 December ( Ms Kenny will then announce the winners when we return to school in January. Good luck!


Which animal is displayed in Gävle’s Castle Square in Sweden during advent?


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:


Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend, the one just gone was very busy
  2. I am looking forward to meeting lot of other head teachers this week
  3. I am looking forward to Children in Need and raising lots of money to help those less fortunate than ourselves
  4. I am grateful for the kindness of our school community
  5. I am grateful for the misty autumnal mornings

Sleeps til Santa: 40 sleeps. . .


Have a wonderful week and remember to always be kind,


With much love,


Mrs Bennett


September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing