Exceptional LAMDA Success

Posted: 11th May 2023

We had 100% pass with Distinction in the recent senior LAMDA exams with 4 of the students gaining 90 marks or more – Evelyn, David, Sofia and Hannah.  Hannah who only started in September got 95 marks which is outstanding. We are all incredibly proud of the work they have put in to their studies especially considering LAMDA is an extra qualification these students have chosen to take in addition to their usual curriculum.

Categories: News Senior School
September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing admissions@highclareschool.co.uk