Faythe and the Fearstone

Posted: 27th January 2022

Highclare Prep was delighted to welcome Faythe & the Fearstone into school this week to lead assemblies and workshops on well-being. The goal driving Faythe & the Fearstone is to help children recognise the importance of good mental health at an early age & install positive thoughts & techniques to conquer their fears, build confidence and reach their full potential. All pupils fully engaged in the workshops and it sparked wonderful conversations.

Faythe & the Fearstone is a new kind of entertainment brand that combines a fully animated cartoon & book series, which includes NLP & CBT influences and mindfulness. They have also developed well-being workshops to deliver to schools for  aged 7-11 key stage 2. This is children’s most formative years where they start to feel real emotions & make decisions that will stay with them through their teenage years & adulthood.

Thank you to all involved in organising such invaluable activities for our pupils.



New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to enquiries@highclareschool.co.uk.  Thank you for your patience.