Good morning, Prep School family,
How are you all doing this morning? I am in slight disbelief that we only have 7 ½ days left at school this year! I am not sure how we are going to fit everything in! I have no idea who it was that stared the age old rumour that teachers slow down towards the summer holidays and that the summer term is a really quiet one in schools. Whoever they were, they certainly didn’t work in a prep school. As we near the end of the term, we seem to have more and more happening. This isn’t due to bad planning or preparation, it’s due to us ensuring that your children have the best possible experiences at school, right up until that bell rings on the last day. We have got virtual Pre-Prep graduations to come, Prep School Prize Giving, swimming galas, sports days, House challenges, End of term merit assemblies. ‘Class of 2021’ assemblies and transition days. . .just to name a few things! However, I wouldn’t have it any other way – I love the madness, hustle and bustle of this time of year!
Did you have a lovely weekend? I had a whirlwind weekend but it was mightily enjoyable. It started off with the Year 6 sleep over at HPP on Friday night. As far as school sleep overs go, this has to be the easiest one ever. The children were beautifully behaved all evening. We enjoyed fish and chips outside and then fairground style games in the rain. When the rain got too much, we went inside and we played cards and learnt the dance moves to the Monica and Ross dance routine from Friends (I have to say, Mrs Larner and Miss Baden were very good at this routine as well!). This was followed by a movie and then bed time. All the children were fast asleep by 11pm. . .my challenge then was to get the chatty teachers to bed! The Saturday started off with a lie in and then a cooked breakfast. After packing away their belongings, the children played outside until their parents collected. I have to say a huge thank you to Mr Greenfield, Miss Baden, Mrs Brooke, Mrs Soen, Mrs O’Keeffe, Mrs Quigley, Miss Maher, Ms Kenny, Mrs Bowen, Mrs Larner and Mrs McGoldrick for giving up their Friday and Saturdays to make this event possible.
On Saturday, Mr Bennett and I had a road trip to Norfolk. We had booked a restaurant many months ago that is really hard to get a table, so I didn’t want to cancel so we had a fleeting visit! It is amazing what you can do in 24 hours though. We had a very delicious dinner, watched a film, went for a windy walk along Holme beach, had brunch and browsed a few shops before returning home. My weekend was, however, sponsored by a well-known coffee shop, without whom, I am not sure I would have made it through Saturday. I am very definitely a person who needs their sleep, so a night of very little sleep on Friday is enough to finish me off for days. Thank you, Starbucks, for keeping me going and allowing me to enjoy my weekend away.
It is so important to have some time for yourself over the weekend, even if it only a few hours. It allows you to relax and unwind. It is time to switch off and refocus. Friday night was technically work but it didn’t feel like it at all. It was lovely to be surrounded by friends and have lots of giggles. It is fantastic to spend time with the children outside of normal school and watching them interact was a complete joy. Do a little bit of what you enjoy, spend some time on you and with those that you love – it puts everything into perspective.
Days of the year themes for the coming week:
Tuesday 29th June – Waffle Iron Day, Camera Day, World Industrial Design Day, International Mud Day and Almond Butter Crunch Day
Wednesday 30th June – Social Media Day and Meteor Watch Day
Thursday 1st July – Joke Day, Gingersnap Day, Creative Ice Cream Flavout Day, International Reggae Day, Postal Worker Day, Zip Code Day, Canada Day, Second Half Of The Year Day and Highclare Prep School Reports Are Sent Home Day!
Friday 2nd July – Highclare Preparatory School Virtual Prize Giving 2021 Day (6pm)
Saturday 3rd July – Air Conditioning Appreciation Day, Eat Beans Day, Chocolate Waffle Day, Compliment Your Mirror Day and Stay Out Of The Sun Day.
Sunday 4th July – Jackfruit Day, Caesar Salad Day, Sparerib Day, BBQ Day and Build A Scarecrow Day
Monday 5th July – Apple Turnover Day and Mechanical Pencil Day
Quote of the week: “Progress is not linear.” – Maria Montessori
Riddles of the Week: I thought for a few weeks we would mix it up a bit and replace our jokes and facts of the week with riddles of the week! Get your thinking caps on!
I go all around the world, but never leave the corner. What am I?
You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?
What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up?
Joyful June and Jump Back up July calendar task (This month’s theme is all about appreciating the little things and finding joy. July’s theme is about developing resilience and bouncing back):
Tuesday 29th June: Share a friendly smile with everyone you see today |
Wednesday 30th June: Make a list of the joys in your life and add to it in the coming months |
Thursday 1st July: Take a small step to overcome a problem |
Friday 2nd July: Adopt a growth mind set. Change “I can’t” into “I can’t. . . yet” |
Saturday 3rd July: Ask for help when you need it! That is ok! |
Sunday 4th July: Find 2 things to look forward to today |
Monday 5th July: Get the basics right! Eat well, sleep well and exercise |
Sleeps til Santa: 178 days
Five things I am looking forward to this week (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!
This week I am looking forward to: Prize Giving, Pre-Prep graduations, gate duty, starting a new book and celebrating my dad and brother’s birthdays this weekend!
Have an amazing week, it’s a busy one!
Take care and lots of love,
Mrs Bennett
Riddle answers: a stamp, the letter R and an umbrella