Good morning, Prep School family,
I hope that you are well and that you had a super weekend? Mine was full of dodging showers and sitting in the sun! I cannot believe that we went from half of my village flooding (luckily just the roads, no houses) on Friday night to clear blue skies and sunshine on Sunday! The weird and wonderful world of British weather!
As I write this, I am listening to all of the changes that are going to come into place next week with the road map out of the lockdown continuing as planned. I am so happy that I will be able to go away for the weekend, eat in a restaurant indoors but most importantly, that I will be able to hug my family and friends. Now for those of you who know me, I am NOT a hugger. A nice firm handshake suits me down to the ground, so for me to be looking forward to hugs is revolutionary. My friends won’t know what to do with me and my family will think that I have been abducted by aliens and replaced with some random cuddler!
It is these really little, simple things that will make such a huge difference to so many people who have felt alone and lonely over this past year. People who have no one to chat to at the end of a long day, grandparents who haven’t hugged their grandchildren for months and months, friends who haven’t seen each other for what seems like an eternity, those in care homes who have been restricted to seeing other people in plastic bubbles or at a distance in the garden. Think how much a hug will mean to them. What a huge boost to peoples well-being and mental health.
In honour of Photo Month, this week and the Hold Still book by HRH Duchess of Cambridge being released this month (I cannot wait to get a copy – it’s on my shopping list!), I thought I would share with you several pictures that have caught my eye over the past few years. As you know, I love photographs –taking them and looking at them – moments captured in time that will last forever, snapshots that can convey a million emotions. Photographs can make you happy or sad, they can make you laugh or cry, they can make you gasp in horror, amazement or joy. They can let your imagination run wild and create a thousand backstories for the image or a future for the people captured.
Have a look at the images below with your family and talk about what you see – why do you like the photo? Why do you dislike it? What emotion does it make you feel and why? What do you think has happened before and after the photo was taken? What do you think the people in the photo are doing now? We use photos and pictures lots in school to help with our creative writing and to get those brain juices flowing. They are such a wonderful resource and really help us as humans develop our empathy for situations we do not/cannot experience personally.
I hope the photos that I have picked rustle up some emotions in you – I would love to see your favourite photos – please feel free to send them to me and I would like to talk about them with you.
Days of the year themes for the coming week:
Tuesday 11th May – Eat What You Want Day and Twilight Zone Day
Wednesday 12th May – International Nurses Day, Limerick Day, Nutty Fudge Day and Odometer Day
Thursday 13th May – Apple Pie Day, International Hummus Day, Frog Jumping Day and a couple for the grown-ups. . .World Cocktail Day and Top Gun Day
Friday 14th May – Shades Day and Chicken Dance Day
Saturday 15th May – Chocolate Chip Day, Plant A Lemon Tree Day, Learn to Swim Day, Straw Hat Day and International Astronomy Day
Sunday 16th May – Drawing Day, Waiters Day, Sea Monkeys Day and Horse Rescue Day
Monday 17th May – Work from Home Day, International Telecommunications Day and World Baking Day
Did you know that May is also: Deck Month, Bike Month, Military Appreciation Month, Get Caught Reading Month, Gold Month, Hamburger Month, Barbeque Month and Photo Month.
Quote of the week: “Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect” – Brene Brown
Jokes of the Week: Thank you to our wonderful piano teacher, Mrs Harding for these.
What is the difference between a fish and a piano?
You can’t tuna fish!
What type of music are balloons scared of?
Pop music!
What do you call a cow that can play a musical instrument?
A moo-sician!
Facts of the Week: Again, thank you Mrs Harding for these.
In 2016, Mozart sold more CDs than Beyoncé!
Rod Stewart (one of Mrs Bennett’s top three favourite singers) hosted the largest ever free concert!
“Wanna Be” by The Spice Girls is officially the catchiest song of all time!
Meaningful May calendar task (This month’s theme is all about reflecting on what gives our life meaning. Being a part of something bigger than ourselves and focusing on things that we value is key to our wellbeing. So let’s take time to reflect on what we care about this month and keep these things at the front of our minds as our societies begin to open up again.):
Tuesday 11th May:
Be grateful for the little things, even in the most difficult of times
Wednesday 12th May:
Listen to your favourite piece of music and remember why it is so special
Thursday 13th May:
Look for things around you that bring awe and wonder
Friday 14th May:
Find out about values or traditions of a different culture
Saturday 15th May:
Do something to contribute to your local community Sunday 16th May:
Look up at the sky and remember we are part of something bigger
Monday 17th May:
Show gratitude to people who are helping to make things better
Sleeps til Santa: 228 days
Five things I am looking forward to this week (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!
This week I am looking forward to: trying out a new recipe, the days getting longer, seeing my friends on Saturday for afternoon tea, having my dad over for dinner and sunrises.
Have a wonderful week,
Work hard and look after each other,
Lots of love
Mrs Bennett