Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Monday 22 February 2021

Posted: 22nd February 2021

Good Monday morning, Prep School family,

Welcome back to the school and the second half of the Spring term! Who knows what the next few weeks will bring. . . I’m hoping for bright days, sunshine, warmer temperatures and some sort of a return to school! I cannot wait to see you all again in school and fill the corridors with giggles, fun and happiness. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long now.

So, did you all have a good half term break? Did you manage to have a rest from Zoom and screen time?

Did you know, there are two types of teachers in this world – ones who get to 3:25pm on the last day of term and can switch off from work immediately and can have a break, recharge their batteries and then focus back on work after they have had a break or there are those who struggle to switch off for a few days, who get everything done for their return to school before they enjoy their holiday. Neither is right or wrong, it’s just who they are and how they like to work. I have to say, I am the latter. I find it really hard to switch off at the end of the school term. I don’t relax straight away and I find it hard to stop my brain going at 100 miles per hour for a good few days/weeks into the holidays. I also like to get all of my work done at the beginning of the holidays so I can switch off fully when I can.

Sorry, I digress. . .I hope you all had a wonderful week. Mine was fine. I caught up on lots of things that I needed to do for work and at home. Really exciting things like filing paper work, cleaning the fridge and ironing. Usually half terms are packed with lunches, dinners out and meeting up with friends and family. I really missed these things this half term. I did go on lots of walks and catch up with friends over outside walking coffees. I read some books, watched a box set or two and did some cooking and baking, which I love, but it just wasn’t the same as usual (even I can’t eat 8 scones, a lemon drizzle cake and some biscuits all to myself – the fun is in the sharing. However, I have to say my neighbours loved me last week!). I found it so hard not seeing my family and found myself reminiscing of half terms gone by. I am not complaining – I know I am very lucky in many, many ways and I have wonderful things to do daily. I am healthy and very happy and I know it’s just one half term but this week has made me realise that as much as I love my own space and my own company, I am more than ready to be back to normal and just see people! Let’s hope we will be able to do this, in some way, at Easter. Until then, we have half a term of learning and fun to be had. I am looking forward to all this term has to offer us all!

Days of the year theme: World Thinking Day, Cook a Sweet Potato Day, Play More Cards Day, World Yoga Day (KS2 you will be doing some yoga this term in your PE lessons – I am so jealous), Be Humble Day, Walk the Dog Day and a great one for the adults on a Monday – Margarita Day!

February is also: Hot Breakfast Month, Bake For Family Fun Month, Library Lovers’ Month, Vegan Cuisine Month and Cherry Month.

Quote of the Day: “Whenever, you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome” – unknown.

Friendly February calendar task (this month’s activities are based on friendship):
*Give sincere compliments to people you talk to today

TOP’s weekly activity: As it is World Yoga Day – can you do some yoga daily? Try Cosmic Kids yoga or Yoga for Kids with Adriene.

Life skill of the day: Hang some washing on the line to dry.

Joke of the day:

What do you see if you see a spaceman?

Park in it, man!

Fact of the Day: Almonds are a member of the peach family.

Sleeps til Santa: 305 days

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: being back at school and seeing all the staff, seeing all parents and pupils on the school gate and sleeping like a log tonight!

Enjoy your Monday,

Lots of love

Mrs Bennett