Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Monday 25 January 2021

Posted: 25th January 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

I hope you are well and enjoying the snow!

I had the loveliest weekend. My weekend was filled with all sorts of happy moments from beginning to end! Absolutely nothing major happened at all. My happy consisted of moments such as sitting in my arm chair with a cup of coffee watching the snow gently fall on Saturday to take away on Friday night to randomly bumping into my best friend in Sainsbury’s to playing in snow yesterday afternoon to a delicious Sunday dinner to seeing my dad when I dropped off his shopping (orange KitKat included!) to being super cosy on the sofa and managing to watch a film (without falling asleep) to the amazing sunrise we had on Sunday.

As I write this, the sun is setting and the light is fading on Sunday evening. The sky is grey and white as snowflakes tumble from the abyss. White seems to have blanketed the ground as far as I can see and the trees and bushes are weighed down with what looks like icing sugar sprinkled thickly on their branches. The street lights are yet to come on and the only light I can see is the twinkling of our fairy lights reflected in the snow. The world seems to have a blue tinge to it. It is so, so pretty and so very calm.

I love snow so much. I don’t know why! Maybe it is the fact we don’t get it very often? Maybe it’s the fact that we may get a snow day?! Maybe it’s the fact that it reminds me of my childhood (back then we used to get so much snow each winter – proper snow, deep snow)? Maybe it is because it is inked to a perfect white Christmas? Maybe it is because it just seems so magical. . .like something amazing is about to happen? Or maybe it is just the sense of happiness and calm it brings to me. Whatever it is, I don’t think I will, and hope I don’t ever lose the excitement I feel deep inside when I see a snowflake fall. Mr Bennett did liken me to an over excited puppy this afternoon as I ran off in the snow but hey, who cares – everyone loves a puppy! Especially a happy one, covered in snow! I have attached a few pictures of my weekend snow fun!

How was your weekend? I hope you all had a weekend of happiness too.

Days of the year theme: Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, Opposites Day and Irish Coffee Day.

Quote of the Day: “It doesn’t get easier; you get stronger” – anon

Happier January calendar task (this month’s activities are based on doing things that make us happier):
*Put away your digital devise and be in the moment for at least 30 minutes today.

TOP’s weekly activity: Can you learn 15 new countries and their capital cities?

Life skill of the day: Wash some laundry

Joke of the day:

Where do polar bears keep their money?

In a snow bank!

Fact of the Day:

Australia has the most amount of reptiles in the world (over 750 different species!)

Sleeps til Santa: 333 days!

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: Our first virtual KS2 assembly, more snow (?) and a long walk!

Have an amazing Monday,

Stay safe and take care of each other,

Mrs Bennett

New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to  Thank you for your patience.