Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 6 October 2020

Posted: 6th October 2020

Good morning, Prep School family,

I hope this Bulletin finds you well and dry! What a few days of weather we have had. I do like the rain though when I am at home on my sofa with a blanket watching some cheesy television. If I’m honest, I’m not that keen on rain when we have all the children in school and it’s a wet lunchtime! Teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors across the land would agree that wet lunchtimes are the stuff of very noisy nightmares!

I am sure that you would all agree that there is nothing better than a good old chat with our friends. This might be in the corridor at school, on the playground, on the phone, over Facetime or on a dog walk in the park. It also doesn’t matter what we are talking about at times. We might be catching up on family news or about the weekend. We might be talking about each other’s children and arranging playdates. We might be having a natter about work or holidays we are planning. Sometimes, we just talk about nothing in particular. Talking to people is one of the most natural things in the world. It is basic human contact that many of us thrive on. Can you imagine if you did not see anyone for days on end and weren’t able to have those daily conversations with family members, friends or a neighbour.

People often say “A problem shared is a problem halved”. If we are unhappy or worried about something, one of the best things that we can do to help ourselves is to talk about it. Some people (and I am one of them), don’t find it easy to talk about themselves or ask for help. We find it hard to instigate those initial conversations when we are the focus. However, once we do feel comfortable talking and we have started, there is no stopping us! Saturday October 10th, is World Mental Health Day and there is a lovely initiative that is happening throughout October to support mental fitness and emotional well-being – it is called Tea and Talk. It is what it says, you have a cup of tea/coffee and (virtually) have a chat with someone who you may think just needs a little bit of friendship or a bit of support at the moment. You may choose to have a cup of tea with someone who you think appears completely fine but actually, this small gesture could actually be a huge act of kindness and something that makes all the difference to them.

“Instead of talking in the hope that people will listen, try listening in the hope that people will talk.” – Mardy Grothe.

Days of the year themes for the coming week:

Tuesday 6th October – Mad Hatter Day, Noodle Day and Badger Day

Wednesday 7th October – Bathtub Day, Random Acts of Poetry Day and Frappe Day

Thursday 8th October – Wold Octopus Day, International Podiatry day, Sight Day and Pierogi Day

Friday 9th October– Egg Day, Scrubs Day, Vet Nurse Day, Pizza and Adult Beverages Day, Curious Events Day, Fire Prevention Day, Mouldy Cheese Day and World Post Day

Saturday 10th October – World Mental Health Day, Handbag Day, World Porridge Day, Cake Decorating Day and I Love Wool Day!

Sunday 11th October – Sausage Pizza Day – do we need anything more on this day?!

Monday 12th October– Old Farmers Day, Pulled Pork Day and World Arthritis Day

Did you know that October is also International Walk to School Month, International Libraries Month and this week is World Space Week?

Quote of the week: “Choose to be optimistic. It feels better.” – Dalai Lama

Optimistic October calendar task (this month’s activities are based on looking after yourself and being positive):

Tuesday 6th October:
Do something constructive to improve a difficult situation.
Wednesday 7th October:
Remember that things can change for the better.
Thursday 8th October:
Make progress on a project or task you have been avoiding.

Friday 9th October:
Avoid blaming yourself or others – just find the best way forward.

Saturday 10th October:
Take time to reflect on what you have achieved this week.
Sunday 11th October:
Focus on a positive change that you have seen around you.
Monday 12th October:
Look for the good intentions in people around you today.

Sleeps til Santa: 79

Five things I am looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: Story Club, meeting a new family on Zoom, lunch duty with Key Stage 1, watching a film and eating popcorn.

Have a wonderful week,

Take care and keep washing those hands,

Mrs Bennett

September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing