Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 29 September 2020

Posted: 29th September 2020

Good morning, Prep School family,

Welcome to a new day and a week of endless opportunities in front of us all! I hope this Bulletin finds you all well and rested after the weekend.

I had a fantastic weekend. Usually Mr Bennett works on a Saturday so our weekends together feel very short but this weekend, we had both days together. It was lovely to be able to relax and not worry about work for two whole days! In Nottingham, we aren’t in local lockdown but we have to abide by the ‘Rule of Six’. This, compared to the Birmingham lockdown, is very easy to do. It means that we were able to have my niece (Amelie) and nephew (Arthur) for a sleep over, meet some friends for a coffee, go out for breakfast with my dad and have a bike ride with my brother. We had pizza take out with Amelie and Arthur (their request) and made jam tarts . . . Mr Bennett and I watched a film with a blanket and a bag of popcorn and ended last night by treating ourselves to The Phantom of the Opera with a delicious toad in the hole! It was just so relaxing! I wish every weekend could be like this! Usually they involve washing, ironing and cleaning of some description!

I’ll let you into a secret, I am slightly obsessed with Mrs Hinch the inspirational cleaning guru from Instagram. Mr Bennett wishes that I actually actioned some of what I learnt from her endless videos around our house! I like her for several reasons. Firstly, she can clean a house like there is no tomorrow. If there is a tip to keep your oven clean or sofa sparkling, Mrs Hinch knows it and shares with her followers – I have to say, I purchased far too many ‘Minkys’ in lockdown (if you know, you know!). Secondly, she is realistic and happily tells us about her life – all the good things but also the bad things that are happening. Her life isn’t perfect and that is important to remember. Thirdly, and mostly importantly – she is thankful and grateful for things every, single day. She is full of joy for the smallest things and she has such a positive outlook on life. I especially like the fact that she has started to share with her followers the things in her day that she is looking forward too.

What a simple but uplifting and optimistic perspective to have.

Days of the year themes for the coming week:

Tuesday 29th September – World Heart Day and Biscotti Day (I might have to treat myself with my morning coffee today!)

Wednesday 30th September – Thunderbirds Day, Extra Virgin Oil Olive Day, International Translation Day, Mud Pack Day and Rumi Day.

Thursday 1st October – International Coffee Day, CD Player Day, World Vegetarian Day, Older Peoples Day and Lincolnshire Day.

Friday 2nd October – World Smile Day, Name Your Car Day, Farm Animals Day and Kids Music Day.

Saturday 3rd October – Techies Day, Card Making day and Virus Appreciation Day (Mmmmm)!

Sunday 4th October – World Animal Day, Taco day, Ship in a Bottle Day, Improve Your Office Day and Change a Light Bulb Day.

Monday 5th October – World Teachers’ Day, World Habitat Day, Architecture Day, Day of Bullying Protection and Balloons Around the World Day.

Did you know that October is also Mental Health Month, Family History Month, Dyslexia Awareness Month, Fair Trade Month and Black History Month.

Quote of the week: “The most lost day in our lives is the day that we don’t laugh.” Charlie Chaplin

Self-Care September and Optimistic October calendar task (this month’s activities are based on looking after yourself and being positive):

Tuesday 29th September:
Write down three things you appreciate about yourself today.

Wednesday 30th September:
You matter. Remember that. You are perfect just as you are.
Thursday 1st October:
Write down your most important goals this month.
Friday 2nd October:
Look for reasons to be hopeful, even in difficult times.
Saturday 3rd October:
Take the first step towards a goal that really matters to you.
Sunday 4th October:
Be a realistic optimist. See life how it is but focus on what is good.
Monday 5th October:
Start your day with the most important thing on your list.

Sleeps til Santa: 86

Five things I am looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? It focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: Mr Bennett cooking dinner tonight, my morning coffee, Story Club this morning, Our Prep School Virtual Open Evening and speaking to my dad on the way home from work.

Have a lovely week,

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Bennett