The Return of Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin 14.09.2020

Posted: 14th September 2020

Good afternoon, Prep School family,

Welcome to the first Bennett Bulletin of this school year! The Bulletin is back by popular demand and I am so pleased that so many of you enjoyed reading it throughout lockdown. I have changed the format slightly to suit us being back at school and I will only be sending it out once a week during term time. I have thought about which day to send out and I have decided (from next week) to send it on a Tuesday – avoid the madness that is always a Monday but early enough in the week to avoid clashing with the communications sent out by the class teachers on a Friday! The Bulletin isn’t intended to be a list of reminders or things to do – that’s the job of the newsletter. It’s simply a way of me communicating my thoughts and feelings to our Highclare Prep School families and share things about our week at school that will hopefully make you smile.

It seems a very long time since my last Bulletin and much has happened over the summer. I hope you all managed to get a rest and a break from routine in some way. I managed to get a week away in Norfolk with my family which was just wonderful. The weather was glorious so it was a week filled with building sandcastles, walking on the beach, falling asleep in the sun, eating ice-creams, country pubs and many family meals. It was just what the doctor ordered!

I had hoped to get the first Bennett Bulletin out last week but if I am completely honest, I was having far too much fun being back at school. Seeing all the children and catching up with parents took up much of my time as did overseeing all the new processes and procedures we have in place. I have to say although it was completely manic, it was so rewarding. I love it when a plan comes together and it seems that all of our planning over the summer was (mostly) very successful. Obviously there were and will be tweaks as we go through the term and we encounter situations that we have not dealt with in Covid times before but hey, we love a problem to solve at Highclare Prep! Parents, thank you so much for your support with all of these new measures. I have to say that none of the above would have been possible without the dedication of the team of staff that we have here. As I have said before, and will continue to say, I am very lucky to be part of such an amazing team!

I am thoroughly looking forward to this week as our extra-curricular provision gets under way. I am looking forward to the promised heat and sunshine of the weather this week and I am also looking forward to the continued daily buzz of school. It is the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure!

Days of the year themes for the coming week:
Monday 14th September – Cream Filled Doughnut Day
Tuesday 15th September – International Red Panda Day, Toasted Cheese Sandwich Day, Batman Day, Double Cheeseburger Day and International Dot Day
Wednesday 16th September – Guacamole Day, Play Doh Day, Collect Rocks Day, World Ozone Day and Cinnamon-Raisin Bread Day
Thursday 17th September –International Country Music Day, Locate An Old Friend Day and Apple Dumpling Day
Friday 18th September – Cheeseburger Day (apparently different to Double Cheeseburger Day!), Hug Your Boss Day (not at the moment!), Read an E-book Day, Respect Day and one for the adults. . . Grenache Day.
Saturday 19th September – Talk Like A Pirate Day, Gymnastics Day and Eat An Apple Day
Sunday 20th September – Pepperoni Pizza Day and Wife Appreciation Day
Monday 21st September – Escapology Day, World Gratitude Day, International Day of Peace, Miniature Gold Day and Pecan Cookie Day

Quote of the week: “Its not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.”

Self-Care September calendar task (this month’s activities are based on looking after yourself):

Monday 14th September:
Talk kindly to yourself, like you would to someone you love.

Tuesday 15th September:
Find a calm and caring phrase to say to yourself when you are feeling low.

Wednesday 16th September:
Notice what you are feeling today – whatever it is, its ok.

Thursday 17th September:
Leave a positive message to yourself to see on a regular basis.

Friday 18th September:
Don’t compare how you feel on the inside to how others appear to feel on the outside.

Saturday 19th September:
No plans day! Slow down and be kind to yourself.

Sunday 20th September:
Remind yourself that you are so loved.

Monday 21st September:
Look at photos from a time with happy memories.

Sleeps til Santa: 101

I’ll leave you with the photos below! They came up on social media over the weekend and they made me laugh out loud! I think they could probably sum both the children and teachers up by the end of last week!

Have a super week,

Mrs Bennett

New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to  Thank you for your patience.