Highclare Sixth Form Celebrates A Level Exam Result Success.

Posted: 13th August 2020

Highclare School was delighted to welcome back our A Level Class of 2020 this morning, to celebrate their exam results success whilst ensuring students received the advice, support and applause they deserve as the School helps them to navigate towards the next stage of their lives during what has been an unprecedented summer term.

Among the Highclare students celebrating this morning were Katie Power, our Head Girl, who will be studying Physiotherapy at Birmingham University, Georgina Dean who has chosen to study Geography also at Birmingham University, Ben Coeulle who will be studying International Business Management at Coventry University and Elis Jackson, our Head Boy, who began his education at Highclare Pre-Preparatory School and will now be continuing his educational journey at Cardiff University studying Computer Science with Security and Forensics. We are incredibly proud of all that this cohort has achieved and the determination they have displayed these past few months.

Dr R Luker, Headmaster commented “The past few months have followed a narrative that, at the beginning of the academic year, we could not have predicted.  I am extremely proud of the exceptional achievements attained by our U6 students during such extraordinary circumstances.  This success is a culmination of a lot of hard work and commitment from all concerned from the very start of their sixth form journey.

Students have shown particular strength of character, adaptability and dedication to their studies throughout lockdown, which is testament to the individual and the Highclare ethos of educating the whole person, where we instil a Take Charge approach to their education from the moment they join the Highclare family.

On confirmation that examinations were cancelled we were delighted that students took this time to take advantage of assignments set by their teachers to aid university transition; skills that will stand them in good stead as they embark on the next step of their lives, we wish them all the very best.”

Students attained an impressive set of examination results, with 33% of pupils achieving A*- A grades (including EPQ) and well over half passing at A*, A or B.

Students who may be interested in exploring Sixth Form opportunities at Highclare School for this September are encouraged to contact the school for an informal meeting.  Find out more about our dedicated Sixth Form Centre, a vibrant environment to study a choice of over 20 A-levels, our full extra-curricular timetable of events and the substantial academic scholarship programme solely based on GCSE achievement now in place. Please contact admissions for further information.


New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to enquiries@highclareschool.co.uk.  Thank you for your patience.