Yey! Its Friday and welcome to the month of May!
May is always one of my favourite months of the year. The days are longer, lighter and usually warmer. The trees are in bloom, the fields are green and growing and our gardens are filled with the first batch of flowers for the summer. We know that summer isn’t far away and hopefully (we all have our fingers crossed), wet breaks and lunchtimes are a thing of the past for now and reserved again for later in the autumn term! I’ll let you into a secret children, us teachers hate wet breaks even more that you do!
It is a time when we are all starting to look forward to the summer, talk of summer holidays has usually started, Prize Giving preparations are starting, Enterprise Day is well under way, Sports Days are beginning to take shape, reports are being written by staff, planning for the next academic year starts to take shape, teachers are thinking back to September and reflecting on the progress you have all made both academically and pastorally and we all look forward to a month with two bank holidays in it!
Although we aren’t physically at school this year, all of the things that we would normally do are still being talked about –a lot! We are planning behind the scenes for many different scenarios for if and when we are back at school. We know that this year it will be different but we can also embrace this and have some fun when we are back – hopefully very soon! We, as teachers, don’t want you to miss out on any of the experiences that you would normally have this term. We know that we won’t be able to do everything when we get back but we will have some fun!
So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Friday 1st May 2020:
Life skill of the day: Today or this weekend, can you do some baking?
Day of the year themes: ‘Tuba Day’, ‘Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day, ‘Global Love Day’ and ‘Space Day’, ‘Purebred Dog Day’, ‘International Workers’ Day’ and ‘School Bus Drivers Day’.
Oh Space Day. . . I’m sure you can do something interesting with this today – maybe link it to your life skill and create an out of this world baked creation? Do we have any tuba players out there?
School bus drivers day – how we miss our lovely collection of school bus drivers – who always make sure we are where we need to be on time, always with a smile on their faces! They always look after you all so well and genuinely care about each one of you. We miss you, all Highclare drivers!
Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!
Question: If you say sorry but don’t mean it, but the person you say it to thinks that you do, does it count?
TOPS activity of the week: To link in with ‘Tell a Story Day’, please can you record or video yourself reading a short story or an extract from a book and send it to me? Be as imaginative as possible!
I would love to share these with your teachers – please keep sending these in!
Quote of the Day: “Congratulations, Mrs Newnham, on your 25th anniversary of being at Highclare School! 25 years today! Thank you for everything you do for me and us all in the Prep School. We cannot thank you enough! Enjoy your celebrations!’ – Mrs Bennett and all the children at Highclare Prep School! xx
Joke of the day: Sunday is ‘World Laughter Day’, so just a few jokes to keep you giggling this weekend!
Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder?
A: To reach the high notes!
Q: What object is king of the classroom?
A: The ruler!
Q: When do astronauts eat?
A: At launch time!
Q: Why was the maths book sad?
A: Because it had too many problems!
Q: Heard about the mathematical plant?
A: It had square roots!
And we cannot forget a very important countdown. . .
Sleeps til Santa: 237
Have a good day and wonderful weekend (hopefully without the rain!),
Lots of love
Mrs Bennett 😊