Good morning, Prep School!
It’s Friday! The end of the first week back! Have you all had a lovely week? What has been the best part of your week and what made it so special for you?
I have had several highlights this week and I’d like to share these with you.
Firstly, I have been in school twice this week. Once on Monday and once on Thursday. It has been so good to have some normality back – from the drive to work, to speaking to and seeing children, to sorting out jobs that need doing like mowing the lawn to having the mundane conversations about where have Mrs Soen or Mrs O’Keeffe hidden the glue sticks to stop us using so many and the amount exercise books we need to order for September! I really enjoy being at home but home is for evenings, weekends and holidays! Weekdays are for school – filled with fun, laughter and happiness! I even miss the “Mrs Bennett, I feel really sick” type of conversations on the buses! I never thought I would say that!
Secondly, I have been able to see so many of you on Zoom. It has been wonderful to see your faces and to catch up with your news. If I haven’t seen you this week, I will be popping up on your screen next week! You have all changed so much – some of you look older, taller, some of you have longer hair, teeth have been lost, teeth have grown. . .It is amazing how much you all change so quickly and I, along with your teachers, are sad to be missing this. Some of us teachers have probably changed too. . . no one has lost any teeth though (as far as I am aware) or got taller (sorry Mr Goddard!) but hair is certainly longer and changing colour rapidly!
Thirdly, on a personal note, I have seen my niece and nephew this week. My brother and his family live in the next village to me and we do see a lot of each other normally, so the last few weeks have been really hard not being able to see them. On Tuesday evening, I went for a walk down by the River Trent. I had my music on quietly in the background and I was enjoying the early evening sun and the sound of the river. All of a sudden, I heard excitable screaming. . . I looked up and running towards me were my niece and nephew. They had walked along the river too and we had met in the middle! We kept over 2 meters apart and it was strange not being able to have a cuddle with them, but we played Hide and Seek and chasing games for a good hour! It was a complete coincidence and has never happened in the 15 years we have lived where we do, but I think that sometimes these things do happen for a reason. It certainly lifted my spirits! I have attached a picture for you to see! Its only my nephew as my niece had given up walking at this point and was on my brother’s shoulders!
So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Friday 24th April 2020:
Life skill of the day: Can you make a cup of coffee? This is a super important skill in my house! Are any of your parents latte lovers? Could you have a go at some latte art?
*Please make sure you have adult supervision with hot water/milk.
I would love for you to share some pictures of these with me!
Day of the year themes: ‘Teach your Children to Save Day’, ‘Hairball Awareness Day’ and ‘Pig in a Blanket Day’ (for clarity – the food not the animal!).
Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!
Question: If you paint over a window, is it still a window?
TOPS activity of the week: I’m sure many of you have heard of Captain Tom Moore, the 99-year-old British Army officer, who has raised over £25 million pounds for the NHS – a staggering achievement.
It is his 100th birthday on the 30th April, and there are many campaigns to get birthday cards/messages sent to him as a thank you for raising so much money.
Could you design/write and post a card to Captain Moore? You can either post these in a post box or send a photo to me and I can add to social media for you.
Joke of the day: Thanks to the Yr6W Zoom yesterday
Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7, 8, 9!
And a special add on for Mr Greenfield and all you maths lovers out there. . .
Q: But why did 7 eat 9?
A: Because you are meant to eat 3 square meals a day!
Quote of the day:
“Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.” – Seneca
And we cannot forget a very important countdown. . .
Sleeps til Santa: 244
Have a wonderful weekend and be kind,
Lots of love
Mrs Bennett 😊