Good morning, Prep School children,
Welcome to Thursday! I have recorded a short video for you all today but at the moment I am having a slight technical hitch with uploading it! I am hoping that the link below will work! If not, I will get some support and send it out to you all as soon as I can. I am trying!
Did you know that today is St George’s Day and that it is William Shakespeare’s birthday. Can you try and find out more about either St George or Shakespeare? Any interesting facts that you find out, I would love you to share them with me!
This week your teachers have been having lots of trial sessions in Zoom with their classes. Yesterday it was lovely to see Yr1P and today I am hopefully going to be able to catch up with Yr1W, Yr6W and Yr3P! Tomorrow I have a full diary again with Yr4P, Reception W, Yr3W and Yr6P! If I haven’t seen you to speak to you this week, I will be in touch early next week! All of your teachers are so keen to see and speak to you and by next week, we will all be in regular contact again. I will also be doing Merit again and I am going to try a school assembly! Eeekkkkkk! I’m not sure how this will go but we can only try! I know that Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Harris some things planned for Pre-Prep as well!
Isn’t technology wonderful? It allows us all to access so many things that wouldn’t have been possible not that long ago! When I was at university, we didn’t have mobile phones – I used to have to stand in a queue in a hallway with my phone card in hand if I wanted to make a phone call and hope that the other person was in at the other end! I used to have to say things like “I’m calling for Vicki, she is room 345” and someone would go and try to find her! When I was at school, we only had computers from Yr9 onwards, before that, they weren’t used that much in school! And. . . I only had my first email address when I was at university! How things have changed! I wonder what Shakespeare would have made of all this technology? Do you think he would have loved or loathed it? Do you think he would have typed his sonnets or continued to handwrite them? I like to think that he would have handwritten them. I like nothing more than getting a handwritten card or letter – it is so personal and you know that someone has truly taken the time to keep in touch.
I am in school today, so I am going to go now and see the children and make sure everyone is ok. I’m here with Mr Greenfield, Miss Upham, Mrs Wright and Ms Kenny – they all say hi to you as well! Mr Greenfield has gone to make me a cup of tea – he is a star!
So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Thursday 23rd April 2020:
Life skill of the day: Can you help your mum or dad do some washing? Add it to the machine, add the washing powder and fabric softener and then put it out to dry?
Day of the year themes: ‘Thank You Thursday’, ‘Lost Dog Awareness Day’, ‘World Book Night’ and ‘English Language Day’.
Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!
Question: Is there more future or more past?
TOPS activity of the week: I’m sure many of you have heard of Captain Tom Moore, the 99-year-old British Army officer, who has raised over £25 million pounds for the NHS – a staggering achievement.
It is his 100th birthday on the 30th April, and there are many campaigns to get birthday cards/messages sent to him as a thank you for raising so much money.
Could you design/write and post a card to Captain Moore? You can either post these in a post box or send a photo to me and I can add to social media for you.
Joke of the day: Thanks to Kayden (Yr3W)
What is the best thing to put into a chocolate cake?
Your teeth!
Facts of the day:
*Crocodiles cannot stick their tongues out
*A shrimp’s heart is in its head
*Kangaroos cannot walk backwards
*Snails take the longest naps – sometimes up to 3 years
*Hippopotamus milk is pink
And we cannot forget a very important countdown. . .
Sleeps til Santa: 245
Enjoy the sunshine today and have fun with your learning,
Lots of love
Mrs Bennett 😊