Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 24 March 2020

Posted: 24th March 2020

Good morning, Prep School children,
Can you believe it is Tuesday already? I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and managed to get out in your gardens to get some fresh air?
We had a subdued but lovely day in school – it was so strange not having many children in but that is how it should be as we are all listening to the government’s advice and trying to keep each other safe. The children who were in school did their learning as you did at home and we ensured all of their teachers saw what they had achieved! I got back from making a cup of tea to find that 3 children from Yr5 and 6 had written poems with Mrs Pears – they were super. The imagery was amazing! I love finding these kind of surprises on my desk. I am going to miss this so much which is why I am so happy that you are all sending your teachers and myself pictures of what you have been doing daily. You cannot imagine how much we all love seeing PE lessons done in the garden, pyramids being made in your kitchens, baking taking place, stories being read or pages of maths problems that you have worked so hard to solve! Seeing you progress is why we come to work every day, so please keep sharing! I also loved the fact I was sent many dog pictures as it was national ‘Puppy Day’ yesterday! Ill get some of these on social media today!
I am very proud of you all for embracing day one of our distance learning. I am also very proud of you all for helping your mummies and daddies through it! It is a huge change for them as well children, so be patient with them – remember, they are learning too! Be kind and help them when they need your help. Remember, the best way to show your learning is to have to explain things to someone who doesn’t understand – use your parents for this purpose! Please tell your parents that I am proud of them too! They deserve a big glass of some adult Ribena when you go to bed! Please also remind you parents that we are all at the end of an email if they need any support – that is what we are here for!
So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection.
Life skill of the day: learn to wash up! After your lunch or dinner today, wash what you have used – do not put these things in the dishwasher!
Day of the year theme: Chocolate covered raisin day! This again makes me happy! When I got my pocket money when I was at school, I used to by a quarter of chocolate covered raisins! Ask your parents what this means!
Facts of the day: (These are not verified in any other way except Google!)
In Switzerland it is illegal to own just one guinea pig.
Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers.
Snakes can predict earthquakes.
A flock of crows is known as a murder
Mrs Bennett has been in Hollywood blockbuster film, directed by David Yates (Harry Potter director!). One house point if you can name the film!
Tomorrow, I am going to add a TOPS activity from Mrs Dalton – so keep your eyes peeled for this!
Enjoy your learning tomorrow – I hope the sun is shining!
Until tomorrow’s Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, stay safe,
Mrs Bennett