Junior Prize Giving 2019

Posted: 9th July 2019

On the 27 June 2019 Highclare Preparatory School invited family and friends  to enjoy an evening of celebration at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall, an opportunity to enjoy fantastic entertainment provided by pupils and recognise superb achievements from throughout the academic year.

The first Junior Prize Giving as a Preparatory School was, as expected, an outstanding success, with impressive performances by the school Orchestra, LAMDA and classes alike. The evening opened with a rousing performance of Rule Britannia by the Preparatory School Orchestra, followed by a warm welcome from Dr Luker.

Following Dr Lukers’ welcome, noting the importance of the change of school name to Highclare Preparatory School, the evening continued with an address from Mrs Bennett, an impressive résumé of the 2018/2019 academic year recounted by pupils and a motivational address by the guest of honour, Mr Adshead, chairman of the Independent Schools Association and proprietor of The Old Vicarage School, Derbyshire.

Mrs Bennett inspired pupils to reflect on how they grow and flourish every day at Highclare Preparatory School. To quote Mrs Bennett’s vegetable patch analogy, Highclare Preparatory School offers an ‘organic’ style education, where every child is nurtured and provided with the right conditions to ensure pupils grow to their full and true potential. The importance of care, nutrition, safety, to ‘feel cared for and to belong’, ‘to be valued by others and ourselves’ and to ‘take charge of learning’ are all part of the foundation stones put in place at Highclare Preparatory School. By caring, by valuing all that the children do, by making them feel that they belong, by allowing them to take charge of their development, Highclare Preparatory School enables pupils to be the best they can be, something clear to see during this evening of celebration.

Before the presentation of prizes Guest of Honour, Mr Adshead, inspired pupils through his captivating and motivational speech, highlighting the importance of The Old Vicarage’s motto Character and Kindness.  It was wonderful to hear about the importance of a hobby and how a university friendship based on kindness enabled all pupils receiving prizes on the night to ‘almost’ shake the hand of Superman!

Energetic LAMDA and musical performances of an incredibly high standard interjected the evening and received rapturous applause from proud parents, an emotional performance of When You Believe by the Preparatory School Choir being a highlight of the night.  The evening concluded with the announcement of the 2019/2020 Head Boys, Head Girls and their deputies, roles of great importance.  We wish them all luck as they take on these new roles.


Roles Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul’s  Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield
Head Boy Alexander Bradbury Amar Johal
Deputy Head Boy Oliver Hoe Hugh Mason-Williams
Head Girl Tiffany Latham Rhea Mangal
Deputy Head Girl Prabhleen Bhogal Emily Ryan



Categories: News Preparatory School
New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to enquiries@highclareschool.co.uk.  Thank you for your patience.