Highclare Highlights #OneToWatch

Posted: 7th May 2019

Best of luck to Lily, a Highclare Preparatory School pupil who will be representing the West Midlands in the Gymnastics National Finals for Compulsory 4 Grades (Elite Pathway) on the 11 May.

During qualifications Lily placed a superb second place in the Regional qualifier round, the Midlands team can only take the top 4 local gymnasts to Nationals.

During the Gymnastics National Finals Lily, alongside two of her club team mates, will be competing against the 60 best 8 – 9 year old gymnasts from England, Scotland and Wales.  A fantastic achievement!


Categories: News Preparatory School
New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to enquiries@highclareschool.co.uk.  Thank you for your patience.