Find Out More About The Upcoming Highclare Business Network Event

Posted: 23rd January 2019

We look forward to welcoming Qasim Majid to our ‘an audience with’ Business Network Event this February. CEO of WOW Group (which consists of two digital agencies), President of The Asian Business Chamber Of Commerce (ABCC) and Vice Chairman of Ronald McDonald House Charity, Qasim Majid is certainly a busy man!

Highclare is also delighted to welcome back Paul Faulkner, CEO of Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce to our event, Paul will lead the informal ‘audience with’ session in, what will sure to be, an interesting and informative night.

Attendees can expect the low down on digital agencies, an insight into building businesses & anecdotes from Qasims’ time on the board of the UK IT Association and his representation of the West Midlands during a technology trade delegation to the United States and Turkey!

The evening will conclude with Q&A, networking opportunities & delicious food supplied by event sponsors Mahirs Experience.

We have already received lots of registered interest from parents and friends of Highclare School and there is still time to secure your place, please complete the form here to let us know if you are attending.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event.

Date: Tuesday 5 February 2019, 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Venue: Highclare Senior School

Categories: News