Celebrating Burns Night at Highclare School

Posted: 25th January 2017

A large group of parents, friends and members of the African Space Trust, joined teachers and governors at Highclare School to mark the annual Scottish celebration of the anniversary of Robert Burns’ birth and to raise funds for our school charity African Space Trust.

The hall was decked with tartan and Wilson Vale provided the catering which included haggis, mashed neeps and tatties and strawberry shortbread.

The haggis was piped in and once the speeches were over, everyone took to the dance floor and enjoyed dancing to a live Ceilidh band.


Categories: News
New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to enquiries@highclareschool.co.uk.  Thank you for your patience.