Good morning, Prep School family,
I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was really busy with Christmas shopping, a trip to the hairdressers, finally getting our Christmas decorations up and seeing my dad. The highlight had to be though, our trip to Sherwood Forest – before you ask, no Robin Hood was spotted! We went there because Mr Bennett had a race that he was running in. So Betty and I went to support. Betty absolutely loved all of the new smells, sights and sounds! She loved all of the attention she got and she made many new dog friends – randomly 3 of whom were also called Betty -and I thought we were being quite original with our name – apparently not! The best part was that she was so shattered, she slept solidly for three whole hours which meant that I could start to clean the house and sort out the present pile.
So, welcome to the Final Bennett’s Bulletin, ever! I am finding it quiet hard to process this at the moment or the fact that come tomorrow lunchtime, my time at Highclare will have come to an end. This Bulletin is number 186! It has changed and developed so much over the years from being written daily when we were in lockdown to weekly once life returned to ‘normal’. I was asked by a dear friend on Friday if I had ever made anything up to write about and I can genuinely say that I haven’t. . .everything you have read about me is 100% genuine and heartfelt and that I why it means so much when you all take time out of your days to send me and email of a Bulletin has particularly meant something to you. Thank you for that support and motivation to keep writing.
As I sit and write I am naturally led to reflect on the past 9.5 years. My goodness, it has been the most amazing adventure I could ever imagine. If, when I came for my interview many, many moons, you would have told me that I would have achieved all we have done as a school, I would have never believed you. From uniting the two Prep Schools to the undeniably amazing educational establishment it is today, to leading a school through a national pandemic to achieving Excellent in our last ISI inspection are all major milestones that I will be eternally proud of. However, I think the biggest thing that I am proud of is the way the Prep School worked through Covid and the multiple lockdowns. The comradery and friendship that developed over that time, between everyone in the school community was unbelievable. We got to know each other in ways that I never thought possible and those relationships that developed during that time have gone from strength to strength in the years since. Many prospective parents often comment on the strong and palpable family feeling they experience when they come to the Prep School and I always tell them that it was really born out of the lockdowns and, although we were strong before that, we are now unbreakable as a family and school community.
I’d like to take this chance to thank all of the amazing staff that I have had the honour and privilege of working with for many years. Without their unwavering support, dedication, sense of fun and their genuine care and respect for the children, I could not have achieved half of the things we have as a school. We have always remained resolute in our aim that the children in our care are to feel safe, happy and fulfilled educationally in school, without the constant fear and worry of the ever changing external local, national and global landscape. Hand on heart, I can say I am truly proud that we have achieved this for your children. Thank you also to you all – parents and children – for your continuous support, loyalty, positivity and thoughtfulness. Highclare is such a very special place to be and I count my blessing each day to have been able to call you all my school family. I am going to miss you all so much but as the very wise Dr Seuss says “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”.
Quote of the week:
“I’ve heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true
But I know I’m who I am today
Because I knew you…” – Glinda, Wicked
Well-being tasks for this week: These are all based on Do Good December! A range of task and activities to encourage you to carry our small acts of kindness each day – this is right up my street!
These challenges are meant to help you create a habit of taking small, positive actions each day.
Tuesday 17 December – Ask for help if you need it
Wednesday 18 December – Give thanks. List the kind things others have done for you
Thursday 19 December – Contact someone who maybe feeling along or isolated
Friday 20 December – Help others by giving away something you do not need
Saturday 21 December – Appreciate kindness all around you
Sunday 22 December – Congratulate someone for an achievement that may go unnoticed
Monday 23 December– Choose to give or receive the gift of forgiveness
Conversation starters:
What is your one Christmas wish?
What has been your favourite memory of the term?
Jokes of the week:
Why was the snowman in the vegetable section of the supermarket? He was picking his nose!
How does Santa like his pizzas? Deep pan crisp and even!
Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A mince spy!
Why does Santa have three gardens? So he can Ho Ho Ho!
What was Santa’s favourite subject in school? Chemis-tree!
What photos do Elves take? Elf-ies!
5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:
Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?
- I am looking forward to meeting my cousin’s baby on Thursday
- I am looking forward to wrapping the Christmas presents
- I am looking forward to going to the crib service in my local church next week – always a magical hour
- I am grateful for the most wonderful 9 and a half years at Highclare Prep School
- I am grateful for everyone’s kind words over the past few weeks – they mean so much
Sleeps til Santa: 7 days. . .into single digits!! This time next week it’s Christmas Eve!
However as some of you are already missing this countdown, here are a few facts to keep you going:
Sleeps til Christmas 2025 – 372
Sleeps til Christmas 2026 – 738
Sleeps til Christmas 2027 – 1114
Sleeps til Christmas 2028 – 1469
Sleeps til Christmas 2029 – 1839
Sleeps til Christmas 2030 – 2232
So for the final time, I will sign off. I wish you all the most magical and special Christmas, surrounded by those that you love and cherish so much. Go and make memories that you will hold in your heart for ever and always remember to Spread A Little Happiness wherever and whenever you can!
Much love to each and every one of you,
Over and out.
Mrs Bennett xx