Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 8 October

Posted: 8th October 2024

Good morning, Prep School family,

I hope you are all well and well-rested after the weekend. I had a busy weekend of visiting Mr Bennett’s grandparents for his grandad’s 92nd birthday, seeing my brother and his family and delivering ‘meals on wheels’ for my dad who seems to have caught an awful cold – I know it’s bad as he has missed a night out in Nottingham with his friends and several rounds of golf! I also organised my bathroom cabinets (sooo rock n roll) and attempted to sort out piles of clothes that have been piled for weeks! I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed a Saturday afternoon snooze on the sofa to help recharge my batteries after a hectic week last week. Obviously I was accompanied by a Midsomer Murder, a cup of tea and a packet of Cadbury’s fingers.

I thought I would share with you a piece of reflective writing that caught my eye last week at the school I was visiting. It was displayed in their main entrance and it really struck a chord with me on many levels, especially at this time of year as autumn is here and my time at Highclare is coming to an end. The author/poet has such an interesting but a distressing life story. Her inner strength and conviction are astonishing and the writing that she produces due to these lived experiences, to me, are inspiring. I very much needed to read this last week. . .

The Wisdom Of Letting Go by Mariam Meriam

Be like a tree, and let the old leaves fall,

In their fading, find wisdom for us all.

To cling too tightly brings sorrow and pain,

But in letting go, there’s so much to gain.

The past may weigh heavy, but it’s not ours to keep,

Release it gently, and your soul will sleep deep.

Like branches stretching toward the sky,

We grow when we’re unafraid to say goodbye.

For every leaf that drops, new buds appear,

Change is a cycle we needn’t fear.

In shedding the weight of what’s no longer true,

We make space for the light, for growth that’s new.

Let go of regret, let go of fear,

In every ending, fresh beginnings are near.

Like the tree in winter, stripped bare and cold,

Know that in time, new stories unfold.

In life, we learn not all can remain,

But through each loss, we break free from the chain.

The winds may blow, the storms may roar,

Yet, by letting go, we stand even more.

Hold onto hope, not the things that must fade,

In this lesson, the path of peace is laid.

For the leaves that drop will nourish the ground,

And in their falling, true strength is found.

So why share this poem? What is it teaching me? What can it teach us? For me, the message is clear – True strength lies not in holding on, but in knowing when to let go. Life’s beauty is found in accepting change, embracing growth and trusting that what’s meant for you will find its way.

Quote of the week: “The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go” – Anon

Well-being tasks for this week: These are all based on Optimistic October. It can be hard to stay hopeful with all of the challenges in our lives. We all have a built in ‘negativity-bias’ but we can also, relatively easily, train our brains to look for what is good. These challenges are meant to help you create a habit of taking small, positive actions each day.

Tuesday 8 October – Make some progress on a project or task you have been avoiding.

Wednesday 9 October – Share an important goal with someone you trust.

Thursday 10 October – Take time to reflect on what you have achieved recently.

Friday 11 October – Avoid blaming yourself and others. Find a helpful way forward.

Saturday 12 October – Look out for positive news and reasons to be cheerful today.

Sunday 13 October – Ask for help for an obstacle you are facing.

Monday 14 October – Do something constructive to improve a difficult situation.

Jokes of the week: 

How did the tree get a new job? She had the right qua-leaf-ications.

Why did the apple pie go to the dentist? Because it needed a filling.

What do you call a small pepper in late autumn? A little chili

What do farmers wear under their shirts when they’re cold? A har-vest.

How do trees get on the Internet? They log on.

Conversation starters:

If your favourite colour had a smell, what would it smell like?

What would you like your future to look like?

5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to seeing my dad this evening.
  2. I am looking forward to dinner with a very old friend on Thursday.
  3. I am looking forward to unpacking more boxes and more sorting out at the weekend.
  4. I am grateful for over the counter cold medication!
  5. I am grateful for Amazon Prime same day delivery.

Sleeps til Santa: 77 days. . .

Have a super week and enjoy the first real signs of autumn,

With love,

Mrs Bennett

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