Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 06 June 2023

Posted: 6th June 2023


Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope you are well and are enjoying the sunshine – long may it last! The forecast looks good for the rest of the week and into half term so hopefully there will be lots of time spent outside; soaking up that vitamin D, blowing up those paddling pools and enjoying the calmness and serenity that nature brings. I absolutely love being sat in the garden, listening to the noise of nature around me, letting the sun warm face and reading a book! This has such a calming effect on me – it is a time that allows me to be mindful and in the moment –a luxury – something that I (and I’m sure you do too) find very hard to achieve hard in my very busy daily life.


Following on from my Bulletin last week, one of our wonderful parents got in touch to thank me for the information regarding anxiety and to share another piece of useful information. She shared with me another approach to gratitude. This consists of actively noticing and counting the good things you have seen other people do that day. When anxiousness is rife, it can sometimes feel challenging to focus inwards, in those moments look to external examples of good, reminding yourself of the beauty in humanity. What a brilliant way to think about things, I will be trying this going forward.


So short and sweet from me this week – go and practice gratitude. Gratitude is scientifically linked to positivity and positivity creates happiness. Happiness spreads and then people are grateful and the whole cycle starts again – what is there not to love about this?


Quote of the week: “Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.” Winnie the Pooh


 Well-being tasks for this week: Meaningful May.


This month is all about us belonging to, and being part of, something bigger and all of the ways that we can connect with, and make a difference to, the world.


Tuesday 23 May – Recall three things that you have done that you are proud of


Wednesday 24 May – Make choices that make a positive impact today


Thursday 25 May – Ask someone what matters to them most and why


Friday 26 May – Remember an event in your life that you are grateful for


Saturday 27 May – Think about how your actions affect others


Sunday 28 May – Revisit a special memory today


Monday 29 May– Share a quote that you find inspiring


Jokes of the week: 


Why did the robber jump in the shower?
He wanted to make a clean getaway!


What kind of shoes do robbers wear?


What do you call a witch who goes to the beach?
A sand-witch!


Why is the obtuse angle always so frustrated?
Because it’s never right!


Why did the student eat his homework?
Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!


Sleeps til Santa: 215 sleeps til Santa



5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to lying by a pool in the sunshine.
  2. I am looking forward to reading book after book after book!
  3. I am looking forward to Arthur’s birthday.
  4. I am grateful for an excellent term in school.
  5. I am grateful for being able to attend the Reception Sports Day last week – how wonderful!

Have the best half term – rest and relax and I will see in June, ready for a very busy but very fun-packed last half term of this year. Only 9  3 more days at school before the holidays. . . utter madness!


Stay safe and look after yourselves and each other,


Lots of love,


Mrs Bennett