Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 21 March 2023

Posted: 21st March 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope that this Bulletin finds you well and relaxed after a lovely weekend. As of yesterday,  we are now officially in Spring – how exciting! I’m thoroughly looking forward to the lighter, longer days, seeing newly born lambs in the fields, eating my body weight in hot cross buns (the original type, not these new-fangled flavours!), Easter eggs and blossom on the trees. As much as I love winter, the dark and cosy nights, I am very ready for some sun! There is nothing better than the feel of the warm sun shining down on your face, whilst you are sat in the garden, reading a book with a cold, delicious (adult) drink!

For those of that do not know, yesterday (Monday) was International Day of Happiness. The theme this year is Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be kind. Something that we, in the Prep School, are totally in sync with.  International Day of Happiness is a day to remember the importance of happiness in our lives. It is celebrated on 20 March each year.


Some history about the day. . .This day was established by the United Nations in July 2012 and has been held annually, each March, ever since. The first International Happiness Day was celebrated in March 2013. The first United Nations conference on happiness was held in 2012, where the importance of happiness within economic and political policy was discussed. As the UN says, ‘the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal’.


International Happiness Day aims to raise awareness of how important happiness is for everyone’s wellbeing and livelihood, all across the globe. It is so important in school as well as we all know that happy children are children that learn and thrive in their environment.

We can spend some time on International Happiness Day reflecting on what brings us joy, how we can help others feel happy, what we can do to bring happiness into our daily lives and how we can boost the happiness of our community, too.


Happiness is not about getting everything that you want; it is about enjoying everything that you have. Happiness is a direction not a destination. Happiness is a journey and, at times, it takes random twists and turns. Happiness does not equal perfection, it merely means that you look beyond the imperfect and see all of the positives. Happiness is acceptance and contentment; it is not a constant state of euphoria. Happiness is different for everyone. For me, happiness is love, hope, trust and faith. Happiness is not about material possessions, it is about who I surround myself with, what I do, who I am and what I think. I am responsible for my own happiness and realising this was one the most liberating things that I have discovered in my 24 years on this planet.


A challenge for you – can you do one thing a day that makes you happy? It might be doing on a walk, singing a song, having a cuddle with your family, watching the sunrise, having a cup of coffee in peace, 2 minutes reading a book, cooking, eating or just sitting in silence – hearing the world carry on around you. How long can you keep this up for?



Quote of the week: “There are only two days of the year where nothing can be done – yesterday and tomorrow. So today is the right day to love, believe, do and live.” – Dalai Lama


Well-being tasks for this week: Mindful March

The task this month are set to help us take time to look within. Learning to be more mindful and aware can do wonders for our well-being in all areas of our life. It helps us tune in with our relationships, our feelings and stops us dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It also helps us to identify the things that we are grateful for which is scientifically proven to raise out happiness levels.


Tuesday 21 March – Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else


Wednesday 22 March – Notice something that is going well today


Thursday 23 March – Tune into your feelings without judging or trying to change them


Friday 24 March – Appreciate your hands and all that they can do


Saturday 25 March – Focus your attention on all the things that you take for granted


Sunday 26 March – Choose to spend less time looking at screens today


Monday 27 March – Appreciate nature


Jokes of the week: 

What did the buffalo say to his kid when he dropped him off at school?



Where do cows go on the first date?

To the moooovies!


Why is Peter Pan always flying?

Because he never lands


What do you get when you cross a lemon and a cat?

A sour puss


What do you call a funny mountain?



How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogey in it



Sleeps til Santa: 278 sleeps til Santa


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to listening to the birds singing in the morning
  2. I am looking forward to the clocks going forward this weekend
  3. I am looking forward to having Amelie and Arthur for a sleepover
  4. I am grateful for the power of music
  5. I am grateful for the Spring flowers

Have a fantastic week, the last full week before we break up for the Easter holidays! This term has flown by and I am 100% sure that this week will do the same. Enjoy all of the blooming sign of spring happening around us – just glorious!


With much love,


Mrs Bennett

September 2025 GCSE Spaces

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