Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 26 April 2022

Posted: 26th April 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,


Welcome back to the Summer term!


As I am writing to you this week, I am sat in front of a roaring fire whilst watching the sunset out of the window. I love this time of year – sunny and (sometimes hot) in the day, yet still cold enough to have a fire in the evenings!


I hope you are well and had the most fantastic Easter holiday. I know talking to the children in school yesterday, many adventures were had! Some of these were abroad and some were closer to home but all of them made my stay in Costa Del Nottingham seem slightly mundane! I loved hearing about feeding elephants, finding starfish on the beach in Suffolk, visiting museums, art galleries and eating pizza in Times Square in New York. I was impressed with all of the visits to London to go shopping, watch theatre shows and trips to the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. However, what impressed me the most, and made me smile, is when I asked the children what their most favourite part of their holidays and adventures were. The vast, vast majority of them all said spending time with the people that they love. The amount of smiles and giggles that accompanied the stories of visiting grandparents or family that live a distance away was heart-warming. The children’s faces really did come alive when they were telling me their stories of cuddles, family meals and reunions. It was clear to me how lucky our children are, not only to have amazing experiences, but to be surround by love and happiness on a daily basis. I was so proud of how much gratitude and appreciation that the children showed for these. Not one person showed anything other than thankfulness for their own experiences and those of their friends and peers.


I had a lovely holiday – I too saw lots of friends and family – some of whom I haven’t seen since before the pandemic. I had lots of breakfasts, lunches and dinners out. Many coffees, cakes and walks. I had the first BBQ of the season and I’m looking forward to many more! I saw lots of Arthur and Amelie and we had a lovely visit to Norfolk. The sky was bright blue and the sun was shining. The beach was empty and the sand dunes provided shelter from the wind. It was just perfect, especially with an adult beverage and a slice of birthday cake! I have attached a picture for you! If any Norfolk fans out there can name the beach, I will be impressed!


I’m very much looking forward to this term and all of the fun things that we have planned. I cannot believe that we are in the Summer term already and the end of the academic year is getting closer and closer. It is so important that we all enjoy every day and every opportunity that is presented to us. I always remember something my mum said to me – “You only get today once – make the most of it, even when it isn’t what you thought it might be”. Wise words.


Quote of the week: “Sunshine comes to all who feel rain.”


Well-being tasks for this week: These tasks for are for Active April and Meaningful May


Tuesday 26 April – Go for a 15-minute walk, outside


Wednesday 27 April – Be active when doing an everyday task such as brushing your teeth


Thursday 28 April – Chat to a friend you haven’t spent much time with recently


Friday 29 April – Do some yoga


Saturday 30 April – Go outside and do an activity that you haven’t done for a while


Sunday 1 May – Do something kind for someone you really care about


Monday 2 May – Focus on something you can do rather than something you can’t do


Jokes of the week:


What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear!


Where do cows go for entertainment?

To the moo-vies!


How do all the oceans say hello to each other?

They wave!


What did one wall say to the other wall?

I’ll meet you at the corner!


What animal needs to wear a wig?

A bald eagle!


Sleeps til Santa: 243 days


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to seeing my friends on Friday evening
  2. I am looking forward to gate duties this week to see you all
  3. I am looking forward to a long walk this weekend
  4. I am grateful for the lighter mornings
  5. I am grateful for the sunshine

Have a super week and have lots of fun!


Take care of yourself and each other and remember to always be kind,


Mrs Bennett

September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing