Good morning, Prep School family,
I hope you are all well and enjoyed a good weekend? My weekend was quiet, deliberately. I met some friends for afternoon tea on Saturday and then I turned the world off for the rest of the day! By this, I mean that I turned my mobile phone off. I took the landline off the hook, unplugged the television and I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening reading my book. I read for hours and hours. It was brilliant. I was completely lost in another world and I had no idea it was 10:30pm until my tummy started rumbling as I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime. I managed to finish the book that I had been reading for weeks and started another one that I am finding really hard to put down. I cannot tell you how good it made me feel. I felt properly relaxed, the first time in months. I felt rejuvenated and full of energy on Sunday. I felt like I had left everything behind and escaped into a parallel universe, even if it was only for a few (well several!) hours. I felt free.
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed our annual Book Week over the past 10 days. It was so lovely to see everyone engaged and excited about reading, authors and books. The Year 3 assemblies were super and reminded us all why books are so important and the joy that they bring to each of us. I loved World Book Day itself and all of the costumes that everyone wore. The effort and the imagination that went into these were outstanding. The book swap was a big success and watching the children share and read books with other classes was a delight. The way that the younger children were mesmerised by the older children (and visa versa!) was a sight to behold. Listening to the discussions between the children was wonderful and the kindness that they showed to each other was second to none. Our visit from the author Ian Billings was inspiring, creative, imaginative and hysterical! The children very much enjoyed his sense of humour and he used this to ignite their passion for writing and words.
I have to say that my favourite part of the week had to be the Books at Bedtime that I was lucky enough to share with the children. I very much liked the fact that we had children from all year groups join us from Cygnets right the way through to Year 6. We had a complete mix of HPW and HPP children. We had siblings, whole families, pets and even my very excited niece joined us to read and relax at the end of the day. It was reminiscent of the story times that I used to do during the lockdowns and I very much like that we can be together for these special times but are actually many miles apart! The sense of family and community spirit was just superb. Thank you for spending your evenings with me and the other teachers!
I’ll end on one of the best conversations I heard in school on Friday. It really made me chuckle – out of the mouth of babes. . .
Child A: Mrs Bennett, who is the author that’s visiting us?
Me: I’m not telling you, it’s a surprise – who do you think it is?
Child A: I think its JRR Tolkien. . .
Me: You might need to try again – I think he died a while ago.
Child A: Oh, that’s not good.
Child B: Well it could be Michael Morpurgo?
Child C: Nah, it’s not him, he has Covid, he wouldn’t be allowed in school. . .
Child D: Maybe, its Julia Donaldson, she’s a famous author,
Child E (from out of nowhere): Now that would be a catch but I don’t think even Mrs Bennett could pull that one off?!!!
Quote of the week: “To the world you maybe one person but to one person you maybe the world” – Dr Seuss.
Well-being tasks for this week: These tasks for are for a Mindful March. Let’s pause, breathe and notice, so we can respond more mindfully.
Tuesday 15 March – Stop. Breathe. Notice. Repeat regularly
Wednesday 16 March – Get really absorbed with an interesting or creative activity
Thursday 17 March – Look around and spot three things you find unusual or pleasant
Friday 18 March – If you find yourself rushing, make an effort to slow down
Saturday 19 March – Appreciate nature around you, wherever you are
Sunday 20 March – Focus on what makes you and others happy today
Monday 21 March– Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else
Jokes of the week: These are the best ‘dad’ jokes I have heard this week.
My mate was telling me he failed his exam in Aboriginal music. . . I said ‘Didja redo it?’
A huge thank you to my neighbour for allowing me to borrow her large sheet of plastic covering. . . Ta Pauline!!!
I was wondering why music was coming from my printer. Apparently the paper was jamming!
Sleeps til Santa: 285 days
5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:
Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?
- I am looking forward to lighting the fire tonight
- I am looking forward to reading more of my book
- I am looking forward to seeing Arthur and Amelie at the weekend
- I am grateful for the generosity of our school family
- I am grateful for my warm, comfy bed
Have an amazing week and grab every opportunity that comes your way,
Take care,
Mrs Bennett