Mrs Bennett’s Christmas Bulletin, Tuesday 17 December 2021

Posted: 17th December 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

I hope you are all well and many apologies that this Bulletin wasn’t sent out on Tuesday. To be honest, I had always planned to send it out on the last day with a Merry Christmas from me, I completely underestimated how many emails I would get on Tuesday asking me where the weekly Bulletin was! So apologies if you were waiting for its arrival earlier in the week! I have learnt my lesson. Going forward I will always stick to a Tuesday!

As I sit writing to you this week, I am surrounded by piles of glitter, carols being sung in classroom, talk of Santa visiting, lots of mince pies and the odd sheep or inn keeper wandering the corridors. . . Christmas in the Prep School is a magical time. I love the awe and wonder of this time of year and the excited expectation that hangs in the air.

As I reflect on the past term, I sit here with mixed emotions. This term has been more of a challenge in terms of the ongoing pandemic than ever before. The challenges that it has brought to my door have been constant. It has been relentless and, at times, extremely testing. However, on the flip side, the achievements and happiness of the children in school have been immense. Just seeing their smiling faces each day and hearing the laughter in the corridors has made every single battle that covid has thrown at us worth the fight.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas events that we have offered this year. To be able to go out and carol sing in the community and have parents back in school for some of the nativities has been wonderful. I have also thoroughly enjoyed all of our virtual events. I have to say that the Key Stage 2 Grandparents’ Afternoon has been a firm favourite in our house and we have watched it several times – it had me alternating between laughing out loud and shedding a tear or two of happiness, joy and pride. Our school family has continued to come together this year and help one and other through the tough and unpredictable times but also the happy and celebratory times. We have stood together, as one, in the face of adversity and we will continue to do so into 2022 and beyond.

I’d like to take this chance to thank all of the amazing staff within the Prep Schools and those based at the Senior School who have worked so hard this term to ensure that the Prep School pupils daily experiences have been purposeful and fun. We have remained resolute in our aim that the children were to feel safe, happy and fulfilled educationally in school, without the constant fear and worry of the ever changing Covid landscape. Hand on heart, I can say I am truly proud that we have achieved this for your children. Thank you also to you all – parents and children – for your continuous support, loyalty, positivity and thoughtfulness. #HighclarePrepSchoolDreamTeam

I hope you all have the most truly wonderful Christmas and that all your dreams come true. I hope, this year, we can be celebrating with friends and family, albeit again, probably not as we had all planned a few months ago. As for me, you will find me on a sofa, drinking plenty of adult beverages, eating Christmas snacks, watching Christmas films and surrounded by my family with the biggest smile on my face and a heart full of love and gratitude.

Christmas quote of the week: “Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more” – wise words from The Grinch.


Well-being tasks for this week: These tasks for December are based on doing good.


Friday 17 December – List 5 kind things that people have done for you this week

Saturday 18 December – Help others but giving away something you don’t need

Sunday 19 December – Make contact with someone who maybe feeling lonely or sad today

Monday 20 December – Celebrate someone else’s success that may usually go unnoticed

Tuesday 21 December – Bring joy to others – tell a joke, smile, sing a song. . .

Wednesday 23 December – Say or do something kind

Thursday 24 December – Be kind to yourself today

Friday 25 December – No pressure to be perfect today – do whatever makes you happy.


Jokes of the week: 


Q: Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?

A: It needed to be trimmed!

Q: Why did the turkey join the band?

A: Because he had the drum sticks!

Q: What falls at the North Pole and never gets hurt?

A: Snow!

Q: What do you call a reindeer who wears earmuffs?

A: Anything you want! He can’t hear you!

What kind of photos do elves take?

A: Elfies!

Q: What do road crews use at the North Pole?

A: Snow cones!

Q: Why did Rudolph have a bad grade on his report card?

A: Because he went down in history!

Q: What wears and read suit and goes, “Oh, oh, oh!”

A: Santa walking backwards!

Q: Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing?

A: Because they always drop their needles!


Sleeps til Santa: 7 sleeps til Santa!


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to going to Derbyshire this weekend
  2. I am looking forward to visiting the hairdressers
  3. I am looking forward to making mince pies
  4. I am grateful for a lovely panto trip yesterday
  5. I am grateful for my Highclare Prep School family

Have a wonderful Christmas break, no matter what you are doing. Remember to be kind to yourself, check in on those who maybe finding this time of year a challenge and enjoy every moment,


Stay safe and see you in 2022,

With Christmas love,

Mrs Bennett


September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing