Good morning, Prep School family,
I hope you are all ok and having a good week so far. Did you all have a fun weekend? I apologise in advance, it’s a very short Bulletin from me this week but I wanted to share with you the top reasons I have loved Autumn. Autumn sometimes gets a bad press. It follows summer, everyone loves summer with its long sunny, warm days and fun-filled evenings. It is before winter. Winter is exciting – Christmas, the promise of snow, dark nights and lots of parties. Autumn sometimes seems drab and inescapable. However, I am here to fight its corner! Some of the reasons I have loved the past few months:
- Soup! No better time to eat the delicious, warming food! So versatile. . . and it comes with thick bread and butter.
- Telling everyone it’s too early for Christmas, when secretly you have already started to watch the Christmas films!
- Being awake when the stars are out.
- Great TV – The Great British Bake off and Strictly Come Dancing – enough said!
- Red cups!
- An extra hour in bed, without feeling guilty, when the clocks go back.
- Leaves – reds, browns, oranges, yellows, greens – simply gorgeous.
- Autumnal sunsets and sunrises – the best you get all year. The colours and the low lying fog. . . perfection.
- Going home from school in the dusk. . .that’s exciting!
- Making dragon’s breath in the cold air.
- The odd “Champagne mornings” – those mornings that are frosty, cold, sunny and sparkling!
- Getting the blankets out for the sofa and feeling soooo snug!
- Open firs and log burners. . .
- Comfort food casseroles, always with a dumpling or two!
- Movie nights in with friends and family and popcorn!
Quote of the week: “This garden is beautiful”, said Tiny Dragon. Big Panda nodded, “And we only found it because we went the wrong way so many times.”
Well-being tasks for this week: All of these tasks for November are based on moving forward.
Tuesday 16 November – Look at life through someone else’s eyes, can you see things from their perspective?
Wednesday 17 November – Try a new way of being kind to yourself today
Thursday 18 November – Connect with someone from a different generation
Friday 19 November – Broaden your thoughts – read a different newspaper or magazine
Saturday 20 November – Make a meal from a recipe that you haven’t tried before
Sunday 21 November – Learn a new skill from a friend, and in turn, share one of yours with them
Monday 22 November – Find a new way to tell someone you appreciate them
An added extra bit of fun courtesy of our Language Ambassadors at HPP:
The Language Ambassadors would like to set you a special challenge in the run up to Christmas. Every week, they are going to ask you a question in the Bennett Bulletin about how people in Spain celebrate Christmas. If you would like to participate, you need to email the answer to Ms Kenny at
Whoever finds the most correct answers over the weeks will win a special festive prize. This is open to all children in Key Stage 1 and 2. IBuena Suerte!
Week 3 question: What do Spanish people celebrate on 6th of January?
Answers via email please.
Joke of the week:
What do you say if you have lunch with the Pope?
Eggs, Benedict?
Sleeps til Santa: 38 sleeps til Santa
5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:
Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?
- I am looking forward having Arthur and Amelie for a sleepover this weekend.
- I am looking forward to meeting old friends later this week.
- I am looking forward to a lie in on Saturday!
- I am grateful for central heating.
- I am grateful for my neighbours.
Have a super week and hopefully this beautiful, autumnal weather will continue into the weekend (watch it rain now. . . I am writing this with the late afternoon sun shining through my office window, I love the light at this time of year).
Lots of love,
Mrs Bennett