Good morning, Prep School family,
Welcome back after what I hope has been the most amazing half term for you all! I hope you all managed to have lots of fun and enjoy the break from routine. I have had a gorgeous few weeks. I was lucky enough to go to Ibiza for a week and apart from the horrific rain one day, the weather was glorious and I had forgotten how much I enjoy sitting in the sun shine, reading my book and having the occasional adult beverage! I also loved not having to cook every night. As much as I like cooking, it does become boring day in, day out! Simple pleasures! The second week was filled with many fun activities such as pumpkin picking with Arthur and Amelie and lots of sorting out at home. There is nothing like a good clear out to make everything feel better. Halloween isn’t my most favourite time of year but I loved seeing all the pictures of people dressed up, ready for their Halloween parties and events. Arthur and Amelie looked so cute in their costumes – I know I am biased – the joys of being an auntie – but they really did! I loved the Halloween triceratops skeleton costume Arthur wore!
So in other half term news, Miss Broder decided to get married! Miss Broder is now Mrs Witham. Before all the jungle drums start beating, she didn’t marry our very own guitar playing Mr Whitham. . . it was a different one! Huge congratulations to the newlyweds and we hope that you have many, many happy years together of love, laughter and fun! I have attached a photo for you all to see how very beautiful Mrs Witham looked. Love really is in the air. . .
On that happy note, I will leave you this week. I hope that some of you will get to see some fireworks this weekend – all of my local events have been cancelled so I am hoping to see some on my Friday night drive up the motorway. If you do manage to get out to an event, make sure that you stay safe. Do you know, one of the things I remember as a young girl was being treated to a hot, steaming cup of mushy peas with lots of mint sauce in as we stood around the bonfire. . . I can smell the smoke now and taste those peas! I think this is a proper Nottingham tradition originally linked to The Goose Fair, please correct me if I am wrong!
Quote of the week: “Dare to be different and set your own pattern, live your own life and follow your own star.” – Wilfred Peterson
Well-being tasks for this week: All of these tasks for November are based on moving forward.
Tuesday 2 November – Get outside and notice the changes around you
Wednesday 3 November – Make a list of things that you are going to change this month
Thursday 4 November – Do something new this month – take up a new hobby
Friday 5 November – Make a small change to your routine and see how it makes you feel
Saturday 6 November – Do something physically active
Sunday 7 November – Be creative – use nature to do this
Monday 8 November – Talk to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time
An added extra bit of fun courtesy of our Language Ambassadors at HPP :
The Language Ambassadors would like to set you a special challenge in the run up to Christmas. Every week, they are going to ask you a question in the Bennett Bulletin about how people in Spain celebrate Christmas. If you would like to participate, you need to email the answer to Ms Kenny at
Whoever finds the most correct answers over the weeks will win a special festive prize. This is open to all children in Key Stage 1 and 2. IBuena Suerte!
Week 1 question: What is the word for Christmas in Spanish?
Answers via email please.
Jokes of the week:
Why did the banana go to the doctors on holiday? Because he wasn’t peeling well!
Why was the Easter bunny so upset? He was having a bad hare day!
Sleeps til Santa: 52 sleeps til Santa
5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:
Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?
1. I am looking forward to Christmas cups appearing for my morning coffee.
2. I am looking forward to meeting my friend on Saturday for breakfast.
3. I am looking forward to going to the cinema.
4. I am grateful for my family and friends and their help this week.
5. I am grateful for a wonderful half term.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy the fresher weather, it’s time to dig out my hat, coats and scarves! Enjoy every moment.
Love from
Mrs Bennett