Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 9 March 2021

Posted: 9th March 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

Welcome to Tuesday! How are you all this morning? Did you sleep well last night? I slept like a log after two nights of very broken sleep (which is very unlike me!). I think I must have been so excited about coming back to school that my mind wouldn’t fully switch off. It was so good to be back in school yesterday. The atmosphere was one of pure happiness and delight. We had no tears on the gates this morning (well done mums and dads J ) and the children ran into school like they had never been away. One parent said to me how uplifting it was that a return to school was so positive and so welcomed by the children and parents. I couldn’t agree more – I have felt uplifted all day. Thank you.

So yesterday was International Women’s Day. It is an event that has occurred for well over a century with the first gathering held in 1911. It is a global day celebrating the achievements of women in all areas of life such as social, economic, cultural and political. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or campaign for women’s equality. International Woman’s Day is marked each year on March 8th. Although the political side of the day is extremely important – I don’t want to focus on that today – I want to reflect on the part strong women have played in my life.

I have been lucky enough to have many fantastic women role models throughout my life but the two who have had the greatest impact on me have to be my mum and my grandma. Right from being young, they have always told me that anything was possible. They told me stories of women in space and women explorers around the world. They told me about the strong women throughout history and my grandma always told me that she, personally (and she would claim single handedly) helped win WWII. I loved the sense of adventure that my mum and my grandma used to inspire in me and the passion they used to ignite. They taught me to work hard to achieve my goals. They taught me that if something went wrong, I didn’t give up, I kept fighting until I got it right. They taught me to love unconditionally yet at the same time they taught me how to be independent and resilient. They taught me that it is ok to be self-sufficient but it is also ok to ask for help if needed. They also taught me how to love, to be kind, thoughtful, understanding, considerate and mindful. They taught me the importance of family and how precious this bond is. They taught me to laugh at my mistakes and in the face of adversity and they taught me that friends – true friends –   are worth their weight in gold. No matter what, they believed in me.

I would not be half the woman I am today without my two role models and my inspirations and for this I am eternally grateful. My dad (and probably Mr Bennett) would however argue, that if it wasn’t for my mum and my grandma, I also wouldn’t be quite as persistent, argumentative or as stubborn as I am today. . . well, there has to be some balance, right?!

I have included for you my favourite ever pictures of my mum when she was in her early 20’s and my grandma – or g’ma, HRH or VJ as she was affectionately known!

Days of the year themes for the coming week: There are some great ones this week!! 

Tuesday 9th March – Meatball Day, Barbie Day, Crabmeat Day, Panic Day, False Teeth Day, Unique Name Day and Get Over It Day

Wednesday 10th March – Pack Your Lunch Day, International Wig Day, International Bagpipe Day, Mario Day, Skirt Day, Day of Awesomeness and Blueberry Popover Day

Thursday 11th March – World Plumbing Day, Kidney Day and Wash Your Nose Day

Friday 12th March – Girl Scout Day, Baked Scallop Day, International Bum Bag Day and Plant a Flower Day

Saturday 13th March – Jewel Day, Ken Day, Genealogy Day, Coconut Torte Day and Earmuffs Day

Sunday 14th March – Pi Day, White Day, Dry Shampoo Day, Learn About Butterflies Day, Science Education Day, Check Your Batteries Day, Potato Chip Day, International Ask a Question Day and Mothering Sunday (Please make sure you all spoil your mum and all the other important ladies in your life)

Monday 15th March – World Speech day, Buzzards Day and Napping Day

This week (8th -12th March) is also Women in Construction Week and Feet Week.

Quote of the week: “Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We are strongest when we cheer each other on.” Serena Williams

Joke of the Week: Thank you to Aarti – Yr3W

What do you give a sick crab?

Vitamin Sea!

Facts of the Week:

Slugs have four noses!

Crocodiles cannot stick their tongues out!

A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes!

Mindful March calendar task (this month’s activities are based on being in the present):


Tuesday 9th March:

Take a full breathe in and out before you reply to others

Wednesday 10th March:

Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face

Thursday 11th March:

Stay fully present when drinking a drink

Friday 12th March:

Listen deeply to someone and hear what they are saying

Saturday 13th March:

Pause and just watch the sky or the clouds for a few minutes today

Sunday 14th March:

Find ways to enjoy any chore or tasks that need doing

Monday 15th March:

Stop, breathe and just notice. Repeat throughout the day

Sleeps til Santa: 290 days

Three things I am looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: being on the gate at HPP, driving (most of the way) home in the day light and seeing my dad,

Have an amazing week and enjoy being back at school,

Stay safe and keep washing those hands,


Mrs Bennett


September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing