Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Monday 8 February 2021

Posted: 8th February 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

It is Monday and the last week of school before half term. We are nearly there and then we can all have a well-deserved break from remote learning and Zooms! As great as these things are we are all ready for a break – just like we would be if we were in school. It is ok for us all to admit that this half term has not been at all easy and there is no shame in us all recognising that we are ready to have a break from the routine school, in whatever form, naturally brings. I don’t know about you but the last few weeks have really felt like Ground Hog Day – I think they have been the hardest for me since last March and I really am looking forward to getting closer to Easter and the easing of these restrictions.

So how has your weekend been? I have actually had the loveliest weekend. I have spent most of it outside on socially distanced walks with either my brother or my sister-in-law and Arthur and Amelie. I needed to get out of the house – the walls seemed to be closing in on me and even my usual comforter of a blanket, a cup of tea and a good episode of Midsomer Murder wasn’t making me feel any better. I need fresh air and lots of it! Saturday morning was wonderful – glorious sunshine and it was even warm in Nottingham. My brother and I went for a really long walk along the top of the cliffs near where I live. It is a gorgeous tree lined walk with beautiful views over the Trent Valley. My brother brought the coffee (which in itself is a miracle) and the children provided the entertainment. The conversation focussed on Mary Poppins, dinosaurs and the wildlife we saw. We looked at how flooded the river was and watched it flow over the weir at great speed. We walked for miles and only turned back as the rain clouds were heading our way. We got wet but we had great fun trying to outrun the clouds.

Sunday couldn’t have been more different weather wise – it was freezing! It was grey, cloudy and snowing on and off all day. I went for another long walk with Arthur and Amelie and my sister-in-law. This time we decided to walk to feed the ducks, play in the park and explore some woodland dens. We were out for hours, until we could no longer feel our fingers (even through gloves) our cheeks were rosy and our noses looked like Rudolph! I was taken on a guided tour of what seemed like endless dens and had their intricacies explained to me in detail. We lost Amelie after a while when she decided it was a good idea to jump straight into a muddy puddle that was so deep it went over her wellies and filled them with freezing water. It also soaked her trousers and coat in the process! My brother had to do a drive-by rescue mission and then we were down to three! We walked, played and explored some more and then had a hot treat and a coffee and walked home. We all decided that we were going to get into our own houses, put something very warm on and snuggle in front of a film. . .what a perfect afternoon.

As I write to you, its Sunday evening and I am sat in the kitchen with a roast chicken in the oven. I am going to finish my work in a bit and spend some quality time this evening with Mr Bennett. This weekend has grounded me again. I felt that I was losing myself in ground hog, lockdown madness and I am so glad that I managed to refocus on what is important at the moment. I know life is so busy and unusual for us all and it really is easy to lose focus but it is so important that we manage to find time for ourselves. Do things that you enjoy, things that make you smile, things that make you relax and things that are good for your soul. We shouldn’t let life be all about work, school and coronavirus at the moment – it can be about so much more – friends, family, hope, laughter, happiness, calm, special moments. . .make sure you find time to appreciate, enjoy and be thankful.

#HighclarePrepSchool #WellBeingWeek2021

Days of the year theme: Clean Out Your Computer Day, Molasses Bar Day, Opera Day, Laugh and Get Rich Day and Kite Flying Day.

This week is also: Jelly Week, Pizza Bake Week, Second Hand wardrobe Week and most importantly Highclare Prep School’s Well-Being Week!

Quote of the Day: “Make someone smile every day, but never forget you are someone too.”

Friendly February calendar task (this month’s activities are based on friendship)

*Share what and how you are feeling with someone you really trust

TOP’s weekly activity: As it is Highclare ‘Well-Being Week’ – do something today for 30 minutes that makes you feel happy – it can be anything. . . please send me lots of photos!

Life skill of the day: Help to make lunch

Joke of the day:

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear!

Fact of the Day:

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out

Sleeps til Santa: 319 days!

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: cooking dinner, the possibility of snow and a warming morning coffee.

Enjoy your day and stay safe,


Mrs Bennett