Good Morning,
We hope you all had a lovely weekend.
This week we are starting to find out what we already know about farms and beginning to learn new things too.
Please find attached a farmyard word mat. A good starting point is to look at this with your child and ask them to tell you what the pictures are. If you can, it would be great it you could note down what your child knows and email it to us. Any new words, tell them and explain what they are. Maybe use Google or books to find out a little bit more about the new words.
We are also attaching a Farm Animal game for you to make and play with your child. This will involve some maths, using either a spotty or numbered die and counting the moves. It also involves some Phase 1 phonics as the children are focusing on the animal sounds. We hope you have fun with this game.
Your child could then choose their favourite farm animal and create a picture either drawing, painting or using collage. We would love to see photographs of these pictures.
Have a marvellous Monday.
Kind regards
Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Harris