Jess a past Highclare School student has been in contact with Mrs Moore lately about her experiences of working through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here is a summary from her conversation with Mrs Moore
‘Since qualifying as a nurse Jess has been working on the cardiology ward at Good Hope Hospital (ward 23).
When COVID-19 first began Jess was sent to many different wards due to staff shortages. It was a very scary time as the NHS didn’t know as much about Covid-19 nursing then (in the spring of 2020) as it does now.
During our conversation Jess reports that during this time she imagined it ‘felt a little like being in war zone’. Jess then joined her colleagues in ITU where they spent nearly three months assisting the critical care nurses and doctors.
Because of her experiences of being in ITU, Jess has now decided that she would very much like to train as an ITU critical care nurse and is considering doing a Masters degree to help with this.
Jess has recently applied for a job on ITU and is being interviewed shortly. Good luck to Jess and we hope that she and all of her wonderful colleagues on ITU keep safe and well.
We are indebted to them for all they are doing to keep us safe. Well done, Jess, we are so proud of you!’