Swans School Comms, Thursday 14 January 2021

Posted: 14th January 2021

Good Morning,

Another wet day!  Here are some suggested activities for our Swans to do at  home today.

We are attaching two sheets for the children to cut out, sort and order by size.  However, BEFORE they do the paper activity we suggest a practical ordering by size activity.  Help your child to gather together some items of winter clothing in different sizes (adult and child).  For example woolly hats, scarves, gloves and boots.  If it is pairs (such as gloves) mix them up and ask your child to sort them into pairs first.  Then see if they can order the items by size.  Encourage the language of smaller, bigger, larger.  The scarves are particularly good for ‘longer, shorter, longest and shortest’.  If you have different sized wellies they can be ‘taller, shorter, tallest and shortest’.  We would love to see photographs of the practical sorting and if you can let us know what your child says (exactly how they describe the different sizes, that would be perfect!)

A creative activity: can they find their favourite winter jumper.  Ask them to look very carefully at the colours an patterns on the jumper.  Then could they draw, paint or collage a picture of that jumper.

Have a look at their clothes together and talk about the different clothes we need for different types of weather.  What would we wear outside today in the rain?  What if it was snowing?  What is it was sunny and hot?

On TOPMARKS there is an interactive game ‘Dressing Teddy’ which is fun to play.  The children choose different clothes for Teddy to wear.

Have a lovely day.

Kind regards

Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Harris

size 0rdering 1

size ordering boots


Highclare Pre-Prep is a marvellous place where your child’s educational journey will begin and the first flame of passion for learning ignited.

There is still time to join our virtual pre-prep taster sessions taking place throughout the spring term.

Please contact admissions on admissions@highclareschool.co.uk to register.

Thursday 21 January, 2.30 pm ‘Pete the Cat’ colour matching activity

Tuesday 2 February, 2.00 pm ‘We’re going on a Treasure Hunt’ scavenger hunt

Thursday 25 February, 2.30 pm ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ dough gym

Monday 29 March, 1.30 pm ‘Easter fun’