Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Thursday 14 January 2021

Posted: 14th January 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

I hope you are all ok and ready for Thursday! Just one more get up and then the weekend is here and we can all have a well-deserved rest.

Yesterday was one of those really boring but essential days where I sat at my desk and caught up with lots of little bits that I had been putting off for a while! I did feel a great sense of achievement by the time I left work and I had certainly crossed off most of my old ‘to do’ list but I cannot say they are the kind of days that I enjoy. I think I can safely say that the most exciting thing to happen to me today was that I had a Cup a Soup for lunch! Seriously, I don’t think I have had a Cup a Soup for about 20 years. . . instant soup in a cup – now that is a revelation! It took my right back to my university days, when a Cup a Soup and a slice of Tesco value bread was the height of luxury. How things have changed. Other brands of bread were/are available; they just weren’t situated right next to my halls!

In other news, I am actually very excited by the fact that my favourite, local cheese shop is now doing deliveries. It was shut in the last lockdown and they obviously do not want people to travel to them, so they have set up an online order system. This is making me hungry just thinking about it. Cheese is one of my favourite things ever and a cheese board is always my choice of desert if we go out to eat. . .As we can’t go out to eat at the moment, I have set myself a personal challenge – to order a mix of cheeses to make up my own cheese board for the weekend!

I am also very, very happy with the new lights in the teacher’s car park at the back of Highclare St Paul’s. The old lights had died a death and finding our cars at the end of a long day was a challenge in the darkness. Not anymore. . . if only we had had them the night before though when Mrs Darke’s car broke! #winning #happinessinsmallpackages #lockdownissuchfun

It is all about the small things and small wins that are making me so happy at the moment!

Please feel free to email and send me pictures of everything that you are doing to make you happy throughout lockdown. I would love to share these with you.

Days of the year theme: Dress Up Your Pet Day, International Kite Day, Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day and Organise Your Home Day.

January is also Veganuary Month, Hobby Month, Get Organised Month, Clean Up Your Computer Month, Creativity Month, Brain teaser Month, Oatmeal Month, Hot Tea Month and Soup Month. . . lots to keep us busy!

Quote of the Day: “You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.” – Bob Marley

Happier January calendar task (this month’s activities are based on doing things that make us happier):
*Take a different route today and see what you notice

TOP’s weekly activity: Can you write a letter and send it to someone who might be feeling lonely or missing seeing you.

Life skill of the day: Match clean socks
Joke of the day: Thank you to Saachi – Yr5P

What do you call a cheese that is not yours?

Nacho cheese!

Fact of the Day: Did you know that there are more than 1000 types of bats in the world.

Sleeps til Santa: 344 days!

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: using my new Christmas present stationery, my lunch (I’m already hungry!) and listening to some music on my drive to work.

Have a great day and take care of yourself,


Mrs Bennett