Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Monday 11 January 2021

Posted: 11th January 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

I hope this finds you well and rested after what can only be described as an interesting week last week! It wasn’t the start of term, or of 2021, that we were all hoping for but it has passed now and we got through it. Things can only start to look better soon. It has been so lovely to catch up with many of you either in school or via Zoom. I know it isn’t the same as being back in school as we were before Christmas, but were are still very lucky we have access to each other virtually. Remember children, we are only an email or a phone call away. You don’t need to worry or struggle at home – help is on hand from your wonderful teachers and please know that we are missing you so much.

So, the Bulletin is back. . . by popular demand. I am genuinely touched by how many of you have requested a daily Bulletin again and how many of you tell me how much you enjoy reading these. I will try my hardest to keep you entertained over the coming days and weeks and be that reassuring presence that we all need at the moment. Please feel free to send me anything to share with you all from a picture to a daily joke to a family recipe to an interesting fact – anything to keep us all going!

As I have said so many times before – we are such a strong school family and I know we will get through this lockdown together. Children, if you are still at home, please work very hard for your parents. They are not only having to look after and help you but they have to carry on with their jobs as well. Parents – please don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. No one has chosen this period of remote learning. It’s not home schooling. Home schooling is a desired option for some people – this isn’t any of us otherwise your child(ren) wouldn’t be at Highclare! We are always here for you too and if that fails there is always the odd adult beverage or three! We’ve got this!

Children, just a few reminders before I leave you to get on with your day:

Your teachers will be setting you daily lessons and tasks to complete. They will also be marking these and giving you feedback on them. You can still earn house points and the teachers will be collecting these for you. We will be checking up on children that we don’t hear from on a very regular basis to ensure that you are getting your work completed! All school expectations regarding presentation of work still apply and just because we aren’t in the room with you, it doesn’t mean that these things can decline! Teachers will ask you to do the work again if they think you can do better. Just to remind you all of what we expect from you:

1. Date, title or LO written and underlined
2. Margin in maths book
3. One digit in each square for maths
4. Use a ruler for all lines
5. Best handwriting using a sharp pencil or pen, if you have your pen licence (not a biro)
6. Spellings to be checked carefully
7. Full stops and capital letters for every sentence

Days of the year theme: Step in a Puddle and Splash Day, World Sketch Note Day, Milk Day, Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day and Clean Your Desk Day.

Quote of the week: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony” – Gandhi

Happier January calendar task (this month’s activities are based on doing things that make us happier):
*Take 5 minutes to sit and just breathe.

TOP’s weekly activity: Can you write a letter/draw a picture foe someone who might be feeling lonely or missing you. Then post it – what a lovely surprise for them.

Life skill of the day: Put away your toys at the end of each day, without being asked.

Joke of the day:
Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Because she was stuffed!

Sleeps til Santa: Too soon?? NO way. . .347 days!

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: being in school, bedtime FaceTime stories with my niece and nephew and Mr Bennett’s shepherd’s pie for dinner!

Have a lovely day and stay very, very safe,


Mrs Bennett

September 2025 GCSE Spaces

We still have spaces open for those wishing to join us in September 2025!

If your child is commencing their GCSEs and you would be interested in discussing scholarships or other opportunities with us, please contact the admissions department on 0121 373 7400 or by emailing