Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Monday 6 July 2020

Posted: 6th July 2020

Good morning, Prep School family,

Welcome to our last week of term. Did you have a lovely weekend?

A really short Bulletin from me today – I have had the busiest weekend in the world ever!

I had the best weekend ever! I spent Saturday with Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Quigley and Mr Greenfield delivering prizes to those children who won something on Friday night at Prize Giving! I have to say the faces of the children when we turned up were unbelievable and some of the reactions were priceless! I am not sure what I would have thought if I had opened the door and four of my teachers had been there on a Saturday! We delivered from 8:20am until 7:30pm – thank you so much to everyone who welcomed us onto their drive ways and apologies to those who we got out of bed!

We also celebrated my brother’s birthday – it was a super day filled with laughter, love and happiness. There was also quite a bit of food and cake eaten. . . No wonder I slept well last night.

I am really looking forward to this week and the last few days of the term – enjoy every single second. We won’t get this time back so embrace what is left of the 2019-2020 school year!

Life skill of the day: Learn to be in the ‘now’.

Day of the year themes: ‘International Kissing Day’, ‘Fried Chicken Day’, ‘Virtually Hug an Assistant Day’, ‘Umbrella Cover Day’ and ‘Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day’.

This weekend you have the following to look forward to. . .

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: Can you have a conversation with an invisible friend?

TOPS activity of the week:

Create something! Anything! Use anything! Let’s see those pictures!

Quote of the Day: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

Jump Back July calendar task (this month’s activities are based on developing resilience): Put a problem in perspective and see the bigger picture.

Sleeps til Santa: 172

Have a marvellous Monday

Mrs Bennett 😊