Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Thursday 25 June 2020

Posted: 25th June 2020

Good morning, Prep School family,

It is Thursday already! It is going to be even hotter today than it was yesterday! So you know what I am going to say. . .Please remember to drink lots of water, put sun cream on and wear a hat!

I have had a lovely morning so far and its only 7am as I write this. I always get up really early -5:00am – as I have to get ready for school then drive from Nottingham each day.

At the weekends, I do tend to have a lie in until about 7:30am – I know that isn’t late for some of you but for me, that is an extra 2.5 hours in bed! I love early mornings but I never really get to appreciate them fully as I usually spend the first part of my working day rushing between my bed, the shower, making a coffee and battling the traffic on the M42.

So this morning when I woke up at 4:45am and realised that I didn’t have to drive to school as I am at home today, a little smile crept across my face! I could have rolled over and gone back to sleep but I didn’t, I wasn’t tired (I will be tonight by 7:30pm though!).

Instead, I got up, made a cup of coffee and went outside. I took my book with me and I sat and read. It was just glorious – it was about 5:00am when I got out there. It was very warm already as I don’t think it cooled down last night at all, the sun was already out, illuminating the sky that was bright blue and not a cloud in sight. There wasn’t a sound to be hear except the birds and their dawn chorus.

This last week or so has been so busy with so many things going on at school and at home, I have felt that I haven’t been able to stop and actually process my thoughts. This morning allowed me to do this. I didn’t read for the whole time when I was outside – for a long time, I just sat, relaxed and thought about things. I very rarely get quiet time, real quality quiet time which is why this morning was so important to me. It helped me refocus my thoughts and actions for the rest of this week and re-energise me for the day ahead.

This morning, I was very grateful for the warmth of the sun, bird song, the gorgeous colour of the sky, my hot coffee and the inner and outer peace I found.

Today is going to be a good day.

Life skill of the day: Can you sweep the garden path?

Day of the year themes: ‘Ice Lolly Day’, ‘Global Beatles Day’, ‘Goats Cheese Day’, ‘Colour TV Day’, ‘Catfish Day’ and ‘Strawberry Parfait Day’.

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: Is something boring because of it or because of you?

TOPS activity of the week:

Can you take a root vegetable and turn it into something else? For example – a potato into a super hero? A carrot into a Harry Potter wand? A turnip into an elephant? Be mega creative and use whatever you have with you! Please send me lots of photos!

Quote of the Day: “Even in the most peaceful surroundings, the angry hear find quarrel. Even in the most quarrelsome surroundings, the grateful hear finds peace” – Doe Zantamata

Joyous June calendar task: Eat food that makes you feel really good and saviour it.

Sleeps til Santa: 183

Stay cool!

Mrs Bennett 😊