Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Monday 22 June 2020

Posted: 22nd June 2020

Good morning, Prep School family,

Welcome to Monday! A new week and one that is hopefully going to be glorious weather wise. Don’t forget to make sure you are wearing sun cream, a hat and drinking lots of water.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I had a lovely time. Mr Bennett and I saw some friends who we haven’t seen for many weeks which was great. We spent a very relaxed Saturday night in their garden, wrapped in blankets, putting the world to rights.

We then went to visit our dads for Father’s Day and took them cards and presents. I got my dad a hamper of different cheeses which he was over the moon with. Like me, my dad likes his food!

I really love spending time with my dad and I have missed seeing him on a regular basis throughout lockdown. We normally see each other each weekend and he often comes for dinner, breakfast or lunch and always pops in for a coffee if he is driving past my house. I have attached a picture of him that I took last weekend at his birthday. It has two of his favourite things with him – his granddaughter, Amelie, (who is like his shadow) and his beloved dog, Lottie!

My dad is the person I go to for advice and he is also the person who tells me if he thinks I have made a mistake. He is also a bit of an international man of mystery – he often drops into conversations nuggets of information that I didn’t know about him or his life before my brother and I came along. An example of this was today!

My dad used to race motorbikes, they were his passion and he had several of them before my mum made him give them up as she thought they were too dangerous. I have seen many pictures around our house of my dad standing with bikes, riding them etc and he is always reading his motorcycle magazines or at a race track watching bikes go round and round in circles. If I am very lucky (!), he often videos the bikes warming up, revving their engines and makes me watch them over and over as he explains about the engine types! He even still has his old racing leathers and helmet in his wardrobe! My brother and I used to love trying on his helmet as it had a picture of the Lincoln Imp on the side and we thought it was sooo cool!

There are two picture in his house (the house I grew up in) that are framed and hung on the wall. In them my dad is clearly in a race of some type. Whenever my brother or I have asked him about them in the past, all he says is that it was a race! This isn’t very useful information. Today, he dropped into conversation that the race was actually the 1969 Ulster Grand Prix! How amazing is that – my dad in a Grand Prix. It has made me wonder what other gems I will find out in the coming weeks, months and years!

See if you can find out a fact or two about your dad that you never knew. . .

Just two quick reminders please!

If you are in Year 6 and haven’t yet done the recording for Miss Broder of Over the Rainbow – please can you do this by Tuesday at the absolute latest!

If you had an email off me regarding a poem for Prize Giving, please can you send that through by Tuesday as well please! Those who have already done so, thank you!

Life skill of the day: Apply sun cream.

Day of the year themes: ‘World Rainforest Day’, ‘Onion Ring Day’, ‘Be Kinder Day’ and ‘Chocolate Éclair Day’.

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: Do ideas come from inside or outside your head?

TOPS activity of the week:

Can you take a root vegetable and turn it into something else? For example – a potato into a super hero? A carrot into a Harry Potter wand? A turnip into an elephant? Be mega creative and use whatever you have with you! Please send me lots of photos!

Quote of the Day: “The older I get, the smarter and wiser my father seems to get.” – Tim Russert

Joyous June calendar task: Share a happy memory with someone who means a lot to you.

Sleeps til Santa: 186

So as this Bulletin has been all about my dad, I will sign off in the way he ends every conversation with me and my brother, either in person, over email or on the phone! He always says:

“Be careful, it’s a jungle out there!” – wise words!

Stay safe,

Mrs Bennett 😊