Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Thursday 4 June 2020

Posted: 4th June 2020

It’s Thursday!!

I saw this poem at the weekend and I thought it was very poignant. I found myself thinking about the poem all week and I thought you would like to read it and think about its words.

Never Trust a Mirror by Erin Hanson

Never trust a mirror,
For the mirror always lies,
It makes you think that all your worth,
Can be seen from the outside.

Never trust a mirror,
It only shows you skin deep,
You can’t see how your eyelids flutter,
When you’re drifting off to sleep.

It doesn’t show you what I see,
When you’re only being you,
Or how your eyes just light up,
When you’re loving what you do.

It doesn’t capture when your smiling,
Where no one else can see,
And your reflection cannot tell you,
Everything you mean to me.

Never trust a mirror,
For it only shows your skin,
And if you think that it dictates your worth,
It’s time you looked within.

So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Wednesday 4th June:

Life skill of the day: Can you practise using a knife and fork correctly?

Day of the year themes: ‘Hug Your Cat Day’, ‘Corgi Day’ and ‘Tailor’s Day’.

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: Are clouds in, under or above the sky?

TOPS activity of the week: Can you find an audiobook and listen to it to relax? Maybe share this book as a family or listen to it alone for a bit of downtime. I know I will definitely be taking part in this activity this week! I love reading and I love being read too.

Quote of the Day: One of my favourite quotes of all time and so important right now.

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, then they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to a human heart than its opposite”.

Sleeps til Santa: 204

Have a lovely day,

Take care,

Mrs Bennett 😊