Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Thursday 30 April 2020

Posted: 30th April 2020

Good morning, Prep School!

It is Thursday! The last day in April and the penultimate day of the week! Does anyone else think this week has flown by? I cannot believe we are on Thursday already! Weather update from Nottingham – it’s sunny, cloudy, raining, windy and cold! It is a real mix of weather types today and I have looked at the forecast and they are saying that we will have some storms later. . .I hope so, I do enjoy a good storm. One of my favourite things in the world is to look out to sea watch a storm happening – so atmospheric, dramatic and beautiful.

So today is Captain Tom’s 100th birthday! What a milestone for such an inspirational man. His money raising efforts have exceeded the £30-million-pound mark and that figure keeps rising. The Royal Mail have been so overwhelmed with handmade birthday cards for him that they have had to take over a school near to his house to store them all in! He will get a personalised birthday card and telegram form the Queen and a RAF flypast to celebrate his military service to the country throughout his life – a huge honour! The Royal Mail are stamping all letters with a special postmark to mark this occasion. He is currently number 1 in the music charts, his face is being painted on buildings all over the country as a symbol of hope (I have attached a picture of one of these painting from Tamworth) and, if that wasn’t all enough, he is having a whole BBC television program dedicated to him and his achievements.. . . and all of this in lockdown!

Before lockdown, we had never heard of Captain Tom Moore. Look at him now. He has become the symbol of determination, hope and kindness at this strange time in the world and all of this has stemmed from one simple idea – to walk around his garden. He has inspired and helped so many people in these past six weeks in so many different ways from donating the money raised to the NHS to cheering people up with this music. I bet he never thought that from one simple idea would come all of these amazing after effects.

I really hope he has a lovely day and isn’t too overwhelmed with the celebrations that are coming his way today. I wonder what flavour cake he will have and imagine how long it will take him to blow out 100 candles! I do, however, want to play my part in his celebrations. I did post him a birthday card last week and tonight, at 8pm after we have clapped for our carers- the country have been asked to come together and sing a round of ‘Happy Birthday’ to Captain Tom. I will be there, singing my heart out for a man who has brought hope and happiness to so many different people recent weeks. I do hope you can join me!

Mr Bennett and I had a lovely surprise yesterday. It had been quite a hard day for me – just one of those days when you feel a bit sad – when at 7:30pm, there was a knock on my front door. I didn’t want to answer it as I was in my pyjamas, just finishing some emails and about to cook tea. The knock came again so I begrudgingly went and opened the door. There on my doorstep was one of my neighbours –he wanted to say thank you to me and Mr Bennett for doing his weekly shopping whilst he cannot go out of the house due to lockdown (all of my neighbours are elderly – don’t tell them I said that, they call themselves extra mature!). He has made us a delicious feast of curry, rice, naan breads and Bombay potatoes. He had covered the tray with a table cloth and even given us warm plates and napkins so we could eat it straight way! There was also a bottle of wine from another neighbour who also wanted to say thank you for doing her shopping as well. What a lovely gesture of thoughtfulness and kindness, it really made my week!

So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Thursday 30th April 2020:

Life skill of the day: Today, can you learn to polish some shoes?

Day of the year themes: ‘Honesty Day, ‘Oatmeal Cookie Day, ‘Poem In Your Pocket Day’ and ‘International Jazz Day’.

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: Can a baby commit a crime?

TOPS activity of the week: To link in with ‘Tell a Story Day’, please can you record or video yourself reading a short story or an extract from a book and send it to me? Be as imaginative as possible!

I would love to share these with your teachers – please keep sending these in!

Joke of the day: Thank you to Nikhil (Yr3P) for this one!

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctors?

A: He wasn’t peeling well!

And we cannot forget a very important countdown. . .

Sleeps til Santa: 238

Have a lovely day, everyone,

Lots of love

Mrs Bennett 😊