Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 28 April 2020

Posted: 28th April 2020

Good morning, Prep School!

It is Tuesday morning, the sun isn’t shining today for the first time in weeks and some wet stuff is falling from the sky? I am sat here, drinking my tea, thinking about when it did actually last rain – it must be a few weeks at least? At least our gardens, flowers and plants will get a good watering!

I thought today I would think about the Days of the year themes! Today is ‘Superhero Day’ – I thought that this is very apt at the moment as each day we hear of somebody being referred to as superheroes! It could be the NHS staff working hard in hospitals, last week it was Captain Tom for walking around his garden raising over £26 million pounds for charity, the delivery drivers who are taking shopping to those who need it the most, those people who are helping to distance learn with their children or those caring for neighbours and friends who aren’t able to go out of the house at the moment.

In my village this weekend, a lady called Elizabeth, who lives in a local nursing home reached her 100 birthday. Many people from the village went to her nursing home to sing happy birthday to her from the car park and clap and cheer her achievement. They had decorated the car park with balloons, streamers and posters for her. People were waving flags. There were 3 police cars that had come along to celebrate and they were setting off their sirens. It was an amazing sight to behold – everyone that had made the effort to go and make Elizabeth’s day memorable and special are superheroes in my book, especially as hardly anyone in that car park actually knew Elizabeth. They were replying to a plea on social media to help make a birthday special for a lady that had been feeling very lonely of late. How kind was that.

I dropped some food round to my dad at the weekend and we saw a lady (Beryl) who we have known since I was little. She was telling us that she hadn’t been out of the house for 2 weeks as her husband had been ill and she was looking after him. This was the first face -to-face conversation she had had in all of that time. This made me sad. Each time I now go to my dad’s to take his shopping, I will drop off a little something for Beryl so I can see her and have a 2 metre catch up – it maybe a card, a little treat, a bag of shopping – that doesn’t matter so much – what matters is that we are looking after everyone.

As the saying goes ‘Not all superheroes wear capes’. Everything you do can make a huge difference to somebody. You may not even realise that you are making a difference to people with your words and in your actions. Something that may be small and trivial to one person, could mean the world to someone else. Your words may cheer someone up who is feeling upset. You telling a joke to a friend might have just made their day as maybe they were worrying about something you knew nothing of. Saying hello to people on your daily walks, that might be the only conversation that other person has had with anyone all day. As I always say ‘Be Kind’, we never know what other people are going through.

Today at 11am, the country is going to be holding a one-minute silence for all of those NHS staff and other key workers who have sadly become ill and died from Covid-19. We thought that it would be a lovely idea for Highclare Prep School to take part in this as well. It is going to be just like the silence that we hold for Remembrance Day when we are in school except we won’t all be together in the hall. We will, however, be together as a community uniting in one goal. So at 11am, please can you stop wheat you are doing and have a minute of reflection. Think about all of those people that are working so hard right now to help those who are poorly, those who are poorly themselves and those who have died (Pre-Prep parents – please focus on those on whatever area you feel that your child will understand). Children, may choose to say a little prayer; you may decide to say some words internally or you may feel more comfortable standing/sitting in silence respectfully. The choice is completely yours. I think I will go and stand by more door leading to the garden. I think that whilst I am silent for a minute, I would like to listen to the bird song in my garden. The children who are in school today will also take part with us.

So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Tuesday 28th April 2020:

Life skill of the day: Can you clean out a cupboard in your bedroom – making it neat and tidy?

Day of the year themes: ‘Superhero Day’, ‘Pay it Forward Day’, ‘Shrimp Scampi Day’, ‘Cubicle Day’ and ‘Blueberry Pie Day’.

You can really have some fun with these today! You could dress a superhero, eating scampi in a cubicle of some sort or you could bake a blueberry pie, dress as a superhero and pay it forward to a neighbour!

Please send me lots of photos of whatever you do today!

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: If I had a million pounds and brought a million-pound house, would I still be a millionaire?

Joke of the Day: Thanks to Mr Bennett for this one! Can you guess what we had for our dinner last night. . .

Q: What do you call a chicken looking at a bowl of salad?

A: Chicken Caesar Salad!!!

TOPS activity of the week: To link in with ‘Tell a Story Day’, please can you record yourself reading a short story or an extract from a book and send it to me? Be as imaginative as possible!

Quote of the day: “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud”

And we cannot forget a very important countdown. . .

Sleeps til Santa: 240

Have a super day, everyone,

Lots of love

Mrs Bennett 😊