Dear Senior School pupils,
I can’t believe that it’s now Friday and we’ve all (almost) survived a whole week of virtual learning – still a few lessons to go though! The sun is still shining and everywhere (at least from my window) looks beautiful today. Spring has certainly been spectacular so far and Sutton Park is beginning to resemble the wilds of Canada as there are so few people walking there now. Mr Moore and I will be off for our daily constitutional this afternoon – Unfortunately, I didn’t quite make my 10,000 steps yesterday so I’ll do a few more to make up for it today!
I was moved to tears last evening to hear our neighbours in our normally quiet and reserved little lane joining in with the clapping for the NHS – very moving. We’ll be out again this evening (well at our front doors) doing the same and I hope you are all joining in too. I’ve also been lighting a candle every evening in solidarity for all the people suffering around the world at the present time.
I’ll light my candle tonight for all of you!
Only two and a half days left of ‘virtual’ School until we break up on Wednesday next at 12 noon, but I hope you will still continue with your studies – especially your reading – as this will stand you in good stead for when we return to ‘normal’ School (virtual or otherwise) on 20th April. I hope some of you have thought about joining Audible as per one of my earlier messages. Also, as mentioned in an earlier message, Kindle have loads of free ‘Classics’ on their site which are very worth looking into, so keep reading!
I really miss seeing you all and doing my normal Mrs Moore walks around school! The house is so quiet and even the beautiful weather outside doesn’t compensate for the noise of a school full of young people! Anyway, please continue to contact me via email and to communicate with your teachers if you are struggling in any way. We are all so proud of you – you really deserve to relax and eat plenty of chocolate this weekend as you have proved that you are all taking charge of your learning and really achieving great things.
Until next time, stay safe and remember to continue helping out at home – perhaps you could help out in the garden this weekend or help cook Sunday lunch? If we all continue to pull together, everything will be absolutely fine. Always remember –
Kindest regards to you all and to your lovely families.
Mrs M