Dear Senior School pupils,
I can’t believe that it’s now Thursday morning and I haven’t seen any of you since last Friday. I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the lessons your teachers are forwarding to you. I hope that you are also taking time for rest breaks and catching up with your friends via social media – it’s important to keep your spirits up and communicate with your friends.
I’ve just come in from a lovely walk in Sutton Park and it was good to discover that, even though the people I met were obviously keeping their distance in line with Government guidelines, we all felt more inclined than usual to say ‘hello’ to each other. The beauty of nature and the sunshine took my mind off the problems we are currently facing and I clocked up my 10,000 steps into the bargain! It seems so unfair that the weather has been so wonderful when we’re not allowed to get together and enjoy the company of all our friends and families. However, it would be even worse if we didn’t have such excellent social media apps such as WhatsApp to help us at least see each other. Even your teachers have set up a group so that we can keep in touch with each other – I bet you didn’t think we use social media as we’re so old (at least I am) and so uncool!
Before I forget, Mrs Healey has asked me to remind you to :
- Remember to mark tasks as ‘done’ when you’ve completed them
- Remember to submit work via Highclare Virtual when you are asked to do so in the task description and read the feedback given
- Check your school email regularly and reply to your teachers’ emails
- Correspond with your teachers via school email rather than via your private email
I am so impressed with how you are all completing your work online and contacting your teachers for help as necessary. I think our ‘Take Charge’ initiative is definitely working as you are ‘challenging yourselves every day’ and ‘engaging with your work’ – well done!
Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing – if you get a chance between doing your schoolwork and helping mum with all that washing up and tidying that is!
Finally ……. Remember:
this made me laugh!
Mrs Moore