DofE Students Navigate Sutton Park

Posted: 16th March 2020

Despite the adverse weather 10 staff, 14 students from L5 and 19 students from U4 braved the elements in Sutton Park to successfully complete a DofE navigation exercise.

Students were required to navigate between 5 manned check points, having planned and prepared their routes during last weekend’s training. They were required to work together to ensure they successfully completed each leg of their journey, and had to answer questions on first aid, emergency procedures and the country code at each check point.

The exercise was completed by all groups to varying degrees and has given all students targets to work on before their official practise expeditions in May.

Huge thanks as always goes to the staff who voluntarily gave up their time to assist with this DofE training session.

New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to  Thank you for your patience.