Senior School Prize Giving Arrangements

Posted: 13th November 2019

We look forward to extending a warm welcome to those attending Senior School Prize Giving on Friday 15 November at 7.30pm at St Michael’s Church, Boldmere, B73 5RX .

Senior School Prize Giving is a wonderful event on the school calendar, an opportunity to reflect on the previous school year and a chance to celebrate and recognise students for their outstanding achievements.

Please note:

There are no parking facilities at St Michael’s Church so we have put in place the following arrangements to manage the traffic:

  1. Parents attending the event may use a complimentary park and ride scheme operated between the Senior School and the church. Vehicles can be left in the school car park, throughout the evening. Parents and pupils will be transported to St Michael’s and back again after the event.  Parents need to arrive in the front car park no later than 6.45pm to avail themselves of this service.  Please indicate in the appropriate place on Highclare Virtual, if you intend to take up this offer.
  2. Parents not attending the event may drop off / pick up their children at the Senior School. Pupils will be transported to St Michael’s and back again after the event.  Pupils need to be in the front car park at School by 6.45pm at the latest.  They can be collected from the Senior School from 9.15pm onwards.  Please indicate in the appropriate place on Highclare Virtual, should you intend to do this.
  3. Parents can also park on a wide range of roads in the vicinity of St Michael’s but should give themselves time to walk to the church.
  4. Please make every effort to avoid turning into or driving on the church end of Church Road. It has the potential to quickly become very congested.  Please also park with due consideration to all residents in the vicinity who may well have plans to be out and about themselves.

Daytime arrangements:           

All pupils U3 to U6 will attend school as usual on Friday morning (NB school uniform must be worn).  Senior choir members, prize winners, speech makers and anyone else involved will be taken to St Michael’s Church for a rehearsal during the morning and the majority of students will return to school before 12.30pm.  A few pupils may need to remain at the church for a slightly longer rehearsal and parents of those pupils involved will be notified separately nearer to the time.  Pupils may leave school at lunchtime, providing permission has been given

Evening arrangements for Pupils:

Attendance on Friday evening is compulsory and registers will be taken.  Pupils should arrive at St Michael’s Church by 7.10pm at the latest. Pupils who are unable to attend on the evening, due to exceptional circumstances only, will be expected to attend school in the afternoon in order to gain their registration mark and suitable work will be set.

Evening Arrangements for Parents:

The seating will be clearly labelled ‘Parents’, and you will be escorted to your seats by Sixth Form Prefects.  Please fill from the front of the parents’ block and be aware that proceedings will start promptly at 7.30pm.

U5 and Sixth Form students and their parents are invited to stay for coffee and light refreshments

New Phone System

We are currently in the process of installing a new telephone system across all sites which will provide a much improved experience for parents.  The phone lines into school will be intermittent this week.  Please bare with us at this time. If, in the meantime, you need to contact school urgently, please contact 07795-613126 or send an email to  Thank you for your patience.